Is there any point in going for a cordless mouse/keyboard


Limp Gawd
Jun 2, 2004
Hi here, I've gotten my new rig up but am looking to upgrade my keyboard and mouse now. I love my keyboard but's its starting to pack in now and its given me 6 years of good service so it's time to find a replacement. I thought I might as well get a new mouse as well, to go with a keyboard so I was thinking about the wireless logitech desktop mx. I was about to buy this when I decided to ask soem of my mates if it was any good, but they said that corded is better, as the wireless ones are a bit unresponsive and then the mice are meant to gobble up batteries like there's no tomorrow, so now I'm wondering whether I should just get the combo or try and find a corded keyboard and get an mx510 with it. I don't really need the cordless facility, seeing as my PC is about 40 odd centimetres from my keyboard and mouse, I just thought it'd be rather novel. So [H]ers, is it worth it getting a cordless combo, or should I just plump for the mx510 and a corded keyboard. If so, what are the decent keyboards out there? I mainly use it for typing up work and ocassionally playing ut, but not much else. I was quite liking the ones from logitech wireless desktop mx and the microsoft wireless desktop elite, but they're both a) bundles and b) cordless :D
i didn't read your whole message, but i can say that i love the wireless setup. 1) no cords, 2) Nice Look, 3) envy, 4) good battery life, sometimes rechargeable, 5) better then most mice out there 6) mx duo=awesome.
MX DUO all the way. I charged the mouse overnight most of the time, and the keyboard is still running 3 weeks later on the batteries it came with no problem.
barefootbilly said:
MX DUO all the way. I charged the mouse overnight most of the time, and the keyboard is still running 3 weeks later on the batteries it came with no problem.
3 weeks? those things run for months, and i haven't charged the mouse in 3 weeks.
ReNeGaDe* said:
3 weeks? Bloody hell that sounds well short. I might just go corded then

he said he hasn't changed them in a few weeks, most likely he will not have to replace them for a few more months
I've had the duo for about 9 months and haven't had to change the keyboard batteries yet. The mouse can last for a couple days to a week at a time depending on what you do (gaming vs. regular stuff) but if you get in the habit of throwing it in the charrer over night its always full. And responsiveness is not an issue at all. Both mouse and keyboard are great.
Qwertyman said:
i didn't read your whole message, but i can say that i love the wireless setup. 1) no cords, 2) Nice Look, 3) envy, 4) good battery life, sometimes rechargeable, 5) better then most mice out there 6) mx duo=awesome.

I agree. My desk is a whole lot neater, plus I am not bound to my table/desk..