is there anybody out there?

Carnival Forces

Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 9, 2003
[H]OldMarty post here anymore? didn't he have a friend/brother/rival too? i tried asking in the milestone thread, but so many new faces were doing so well the question got buried...

i know there were others back when i was active, is anyone there in the woodwork? i saw relic of all people posting...i remember when he was missing during my time here and i used to wonder who he was and think about how great he must have been that all these people cared so much for him, now i'm gone and he's back huh
Hey old man

how are ya?

Where have you been?

There are lots of new faces in the DC sub-forum.

Marty is here now and then... and Relic is still here.

Lots of old timers just lurk... or so it seems.

The [H] team is alive and well. Lots going on here. Very nice to see you again!
welcome back ..I am the silent minority, so no one ever remembers me :(
welcome back ..I am the silent minority, so no one ever remembers me :(

no you just win all the giveaways god damnit! :p

ok i might be over exaggerating... you just happened to win the one i wanted.. :p
I am one of the newer ones, but old faces are definitely welcome!!!

I'm an old folder and still around. Past 6M recently, and got passed by capreppy!

Fold on mighty [H]orde.

[H]OldMarty knocked up his girlfriend.

Does than mean I just had sex with Ben?

[H]OldMarty knocked up his girlfriend.

Does than mean I just had sex with Ben?


:eek: hello hello, old face, how are you doing?

Hey old man

how are ya?

Where have you been?

There are lots of new faces in the DC sub-forum.

Marty is here now and then... and Relic is still here.

Lots of old timers just lurk... or so it seems.

The [H] team is alive and well. Lots going on here. Very nice to see you again!

hey man, good to see you're still going strong. college, you know, got busy, keep reinventing/"finding" myself, girls, the usual youthful shenanigans :p

Who art thou?

an old (ish) folder, used to be a borging ninja...questionable, i know :eek:
and you? i take it you examine life
There are still a few old fogies around. Sometimes we find it a bit tough to get around with the canes as fast as the young whipper snappers and stay in the background.

Life has gotten busy for me. I only occassionaly lurk in this subforum now.
I'm a long time folder, lurking in this forum mostly, but it's nice to see how many long timers there are. Helps to 'keep the faith'.
