Is there such software?

Red Squirrel

[H]F Junkie
Nov 29, 2009
I started coding something like this as a side project, but the main reason is because I need it. Before I get deeper into the project, perhaps there already is something out there that does what I want.

Basically what I want is a free/open source application that is easy to deploy on Linux (can target a specific distro, or even BE a distro) and is a full blown web based server management control panel. Basically it would be kinda like cpanel where you can administrate the server, but also have users login and administrate their own section - whatever their permissions are.

But this software should be more then just a hosting CP, it would be a full management suite that would allow you to setup clustering to some extent, ex: DNS. You set a DNS record, it automaticly replicates the data to other server(s). Each website, mail account etc would also have a "failover" server which, if the server goes down, through DNS it would go to the next server.

Moving a site, or backing up/restoring would also be a point and click operation. There could be various features for backup jobs and such. I could go on, but in general, it would just be a full blown all in one server management solution for Linux.

Is there such free software already out there, or should I get to work and code it? More or less the software would be a wrapper to existing system functions, and have a web front end so it's not really that complex per say, but a lot of consideration needs to be done especially if I make it cross distro, as each distro tends to put ti's config files in different spots and even use different syntax in some cases. Chances are if I do this I will just target one distro like CentOS. If it takes off, I can always have more people helping out with ports.
There are plenty of hosting control panels out there. These are made to administer sites and what not. I would stay clear of true system administration that is done web based on a server though. A little SQL injection in the app and the server is no longer yours but someone else's.
Well SQL injection is an exploit, obviously I'd want to make sure such exploits don't exist in the app. ;)
Last I tried it, it hardly did anything, but according to their site they seem to have improved a lot, may be worth testing out before I go further with my own project. I see they even have a virtual machine management module, which is one module I wanted to eventually make for mine.
If you don't want exploits I would stay away from webmin, it's had it's own fair share.

Might look up ISPConfig, I've heard some good things about it.
I can't see running a server off a web page completely. I used WebMin in my earlier years and I found that it is much easier to run a server(s) if you are manually configuring it. You don't know how WebMin is going to write config files/ logs, and you really don't have full control.