Is this a good opteron stepping: CAB2E 0602?

0602 is 2 months ago isn't it? If so I doubt anyone has any concrete answers for you. CAB2E's are ok, kind of hit and miss. OC that bitch and let us know :)
Search CAB2E on this forum...I think the old experiences from various people were...
CABNE>CABYE>CABGE with CAB2E somewhere between CABNE and CABYE. Some CAB2E will oc better than below average or average CABNE while most CAB2E will be better overclockers than CABYE....
Look at the oc guide..there should be a spreadsheet with all pertinent data (steppings etc...)
My Opteron 146 CAB2E 0604 will go up to 2900 on stock voltage. Not exactly the same stepping, but maybe it will help.
Thank you, guys! Any budget but quality HS/fan to pair with the Opteron 144?