Is this message from Valve? If so, what is it?


Fully [H]
Sep 28, 2007
I received an email presumably from Valve but not 100 percent sure so of course I'm not clicking on anything or doing anything. No idea what to make of it.

Here's what it says:

Dear Steam user,
This is an automated message generated by Steam account administration. It is being sent in response to a query made by a Steam user to discover all account names associated with this CD key.

Steam account name: My Username

If you requested this query, please use the above account name to log in to Steam. If you cannot remember your password, click on the “Retrieve lost account” button on the Steam login screen.

If you did not request this query, please ignore this message.

Users cannot gain access to your account via the Find Account By CD Key process without access to your email account.

E-Mail Verification:

Account Security Recommendations:
The Steam Team

I did not request this query so I'm "ignoring" it but I am going to scour any and all security right now. I'm not using any of those links, either.
You're about to get reamed for buying stolen gray market steam keys from the Ukraine. Hope you've got a good lawyer, or enjoy prison sex.
You're about to get reamed for buying stolen gray market steam keys from the Ukraine. Hope you've got a good lawyer, or enjoy prison sex.

Oh boy great. LOL

Except I haven't done any of that to the best of my knowledge.

Could be one of those situations where someone figures out an algorithm to generate keys that should work, but your (legit) key has already been used.

The joys of Steam. I knew a guy who would immediately try to login to players accounts who beat him online in various games. It wouldn't work, but it would scare the shit out of the other players when they got Steam Guard alerts.
I didn't even know you could 'find account by CD key'...what would be the purpose in Steam adding this search parameter?...only hackers or thieves would use it
Q-BZ: have you bought any games recently from any grey market sites like cdkeys?...might be that one of your keys is stolen and might be getting revoked
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Did you get any free CD keys off a forum? A quick web search points that someone is trying to "recover" a key that you have claimed.
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A couple of years ago I did buy a game off CDkeys. It's the only time I did it. That game does not run through Steam in any form or fashion. If they want to revoke that then that's fine by me.

No free keys anywhere. No grudge jobs on the Internet that I'm aware of (I've tried to keep my nose clean)... don't see any other signs of symptoms of hacking or security issues.