Is this odd and should I worry?


Limp Gawd
Sep 9, 2005
So I just bought one of the holiday xbox 360 pro bundles from Gamestop for $299 (with lego indiana jones and panda). I figured since the holiday bundles should have been manufactured relatively recently - or at least at some point this year, I would have thought I would get at least a falcon xbox... But I looked at the brick and it is a 203 Watt brick.. Does that mean I have the old unstable Xbox 360? That kind of sucks. I was holding off until recently just to avoid all that RRoD crap - or at least mitigate my risk a little. I didn't think to look either until yesterday (I got it 3 days ago) and I already did my xbox live membership and other crap so I guess I can't return it at this point. But I guess I was looking for re-assurance that I shouldn't be worried.

Why would there be the old stock in the "new" holiday bundle. That just didn't make sense to me. I understand not getting a jasper as they are moving out old stock, but WTF?

Anyway, I have resigned myself to the fact that it will break sooner or later, so I guess that's that.. Last question, when I signed up for xbox live, does that automatically register my xbox? or do I have to do something else to register for the inevitable RRoD?
What is Gamestop's return/exchange policy?

I wouldn't worry about it.

Go to to register your Xbox for service.
It's not what you wanted, but I wouldn't worry. There are still plenty of launch systems that are working just fine. See if you can swap it just for the sake of piece of mind, but if not I still wouldn't worry.
You'll be fine, the falcons still used the same power brick. Jaspers which have been seen in the wild since about 2 weeks ago have the smaller power supplies. You'll be fine, I had a launch box for a long ass time till my roommate jammed the disk drive and it would open all the way...and my replacement has had no issues yet, besides hard drive space...
Thanks guys. I have put it in perspective... worst case scenerio I am out $200 if I had to replace with an arcade (and keep my HD) after spending $400 on video card upgrades that really weren't tremendously different then prior 1 or 2 generation cards, this thing is exceeding my expectations.

I'm blown away with this thing and the ease of use, the media center (I have a home server running tversity and I have another pc with the media center). Its connected to both and set up couldn't have gone any smoother. I guess I'm not used to things just working out of the box. lol.
Thanks guys. I have put it in perspective... worst case scenerio I am out $200 if I had to replace with an arcade (and keep my HD) after spending $400 on video card upgrades that really weren't tremendously different then prior 1 or 2 generation cards, this thing is exceeding my expectations.

I'm blown away with this thing and the ease of use, the media center (I have a home server running tversity and I have another pc with the media center). Its connected to both and set up couldn't have gone any smoother. I guess I'm not used to things just working out of the box. lol.

Having things work right off the bat isn't really Microsoft's forte...
Stop worrying, I have 2 systems, 1 is a launch that works fine. Worst case is it rings and you're covered under warranty.

Having things work right off the bat isn't really Microsoft's forte...

Which is why the 360 is so amazing. The Xbox software division could teach Microsoft as a whole, how to build better software.