Is this possible? (RAID)

Oct 8, 2005
I am sadly doubting that it is, but here is what I want to do:

I currently have Windows 7 installed on 2 WD2500KS drives in RAID0 on my P6T-Deluxe V2. Unfortunately, my motherboard has a faulty ram slot so I am going to RMA it.

I have a GA-965P-DS3 and E6300 cpu sitting in my closet going unused, I I figured I would use that setup while my current one is MIA.

However, the X58 board uses an Intel chip for raid, while my Gigabyte board uses a Jmicron chip for raid.

So is it at all possible to transfer the array to the new board (doubt it :( ) or do I need to make a complete image of my Windows install, re-setup the array, and the put the image on the new raid Array?

If the GA-965P-DS3 has the ICHxR southbrigde as well as the jmicron you have a good chance. If it does not have the ICHxR southbridge you will be out of luck to be able to do an easy temporary swap.
GA-965P-DS3 does not have an ICH8R, only an ICH8. The model with the ICH8R would have been the GA-965P-DS3R

You still might have some luck getting it to recognize your drives. I had a pair of drives in Raid-0 on my old P35-DS3R (ICH9R) and was able to have it recognized on a regular ICH7. It was a while ago so I don't remember all the exact details. I think the only limitation was that I was unable to boot to it.
Every time I have tried to bring an install of an OS to a new MB I have problems regardless of the array. For my money I would probably just do a temporary install of an OS on a new drive
If you just have data you need to get off, you should be able to mount the array using the Linux dmraid implementation regardless of controller. I don't think there's a way to do something similar with Windows though, so that's only useful if you're willing to run Linux (which is a bitch to install on dmraid anyway) to to copy data to a 3rd disk/over the network etc.

You *might* be able to cross-flash the ICH8R BIOS onto the ICH8 hardware; all the hardware is identical it's just a licensing thing, but obviously you assume some risk in trying this... worked for me to enable AHCI mode on a P5K (cross-flash to P5KR), but I'm not sure if that added RAID support or not since I don't use it.

This is one reason why I really hate fakeraid.
I don't really need anything off of the RAID array, all that is on there is games, visual studio/office, etc.

I keep all my documents on a separate drive. I just don't feel like re-installing all the games and whatnot ;)