Is this possible with Firefox?


Dec 14, 2002
Hey guys, I was wondering if it's possible to open multiple tabs on a certain date. For example, the first time I open firefox after sunday I would like the ads for BB, CC, staples, OM, OD to pop up in seperate tabs. But I would just like the tabs to open that first time of the week. Is it possible, or am I just too lazy?

This is PURELY my opinion, but...if I wanted to see those ads on that day, id create some widgets to display those instead of having FF do it.
PaHick said:
This is PURELY my opinion, but...if I wanted to see those ads on that day, id create some widgets to display those instead of having FF do it.

How would I go about doing that?
Read up on Yahoo Widgets here. Ive tried a couple times to create my own. One worked great, other Its not as easy as it seems but if you can get em right you can damn near do anything with them.
Cool, I'll give it a look. Never heard of widgets before.


Click the bookmarks button then manage bookmarks. Click Add folder, and name the folder Ads. Put all of your ad sites in there. Then on sunday right click that folder and click open in tabs.
Smititty said:
Cool, I'll give it a look. Never heard of widgets before.
It's what Yahoo called Konfabulator after they bought it.