is this possible?


Aug 19, 2004
Normally, I monitor my CPU temp with Sandra and it tells me that my CPU idles at around 35-40C (~50C under heavy load). Just a while ago, however (after having the computer on for several hours), I thought I'd take a look at what my BIOS tells me my CPU temp is and it said that it was at 59C!!!!!!!!!!!!

This freaked me out so I turned off the computer and opened the case. I touched the heatsink on my CPU but it wasn't even remotely warm (it didn't feel any different than touching the outside of my case). After several minutes of letting whatever heat that was in my case dissipate I decided to try the BIOS again. Within seconds after first turning the PC on it immediately once again told me that my CPU temp was at exactly 59C. Is it even possible for a CPU to heat up that quickly?

Anyways, now I'm thinking that something is wrong with my BIOS, is that possible?
Nothing you've reported is particularly alarming. I would actually trust the BIOS over Sandra. Sandra isn't terribly reliable when reporting temps (doesn't work on my comp anyway). My guess would be that Sandra is reporting the case temp, not the CPU temp. 59C isn't a good idle temp, but it isn't dangerous. I wouldn't be really worried unless the CPU got well over 70C (according to the AMD spec sheets, temps as high as 100C won't damage the CPU). Try the monitoring app from your motherboard maker or Motherboard Monitor 5 if you want to veryify the temps.
I was monitoring my CPU temp from directly in my BIOS (by pressing F1 when the computer first starts up). While I'm in the BIOS my CPU fan seems to be running really, really fast. Could that have something to do with why my idle CPU temp seems so high only in the BIOS but not anywhere else?
alienmarmoset said:
Try the monitoring app from your motherboard maker or Motherboard Monitor 5 if you want to veryify the temps.
I dl'd MBM 5 and it seems to be giving me the same results as Sandra.

EDIT: nevermind I think I found my answer click here