Is this too custom? Or is there a PHPnuke-type thing for this...


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 21, 2003
Me and my friend want to start a website, and I'm taking care of the tech aspect of it, but I was never good at coding. All I can do is basic html with add-ins and thats just not enough I dont think.

Heres what I NEED the site to do:
Allow users to post a text field
Allow users to rate the said text field (any user)
Allow users to comment on the said text field
Be able to search all the text fields entered by the users
Be able to use my custom layout that I made in photoshop
Summarize all the newest text fields entered by users and post four of the most recent ones onto the home page of the site.
The site will add the users text fields to a specific category that they choose before they submit their text field, so other users may find that text field by selecting categories.

Heres what I WANT the site to do:
Allow users to create a login with a small profile, or none at all, but at least a login where its saved so they dont have to retype a username and their email.
List the entered text fields by rating and possibly post them on the front page under a 'Top five rated text fields' area

Any ideas?
I don't think there's anything out of the box that will do what you want.
You're going to need to know some PHP or Ruby, or whatever dynamic scripting language you'd like, to pull this off
I wont need any sort of database right? Can you point me in the right direction of resources to do this? I know some basic PHP but not a whole lot, it seems a bit daunting for me.

Aside from me doing it, what sthe best way to pay someone to do it? Someone from my college IE a student? And how much would this normally run someone to code...
I wont need any sort of database right? Can you point me in the right direction of resources to do this? I know some basic PHP but not a whole lot, it seems a bit daunting for me.

Aside from me doing it, what sthe best way to pay someone to do it? Someone from my college IE a student? And how much would this normally run someone to code...

you better believe you'll need some sort of database. where else did you plan on storing all the data you and your users input?

the resources would be to hire a programmer unless you want to take the time and learn it yourself by buying a book on php/mysql or other alternative technologies.

if you want to hire someone to do it for you, a student would be cheaper, but it may not be your best solution since students are cheaper because they lack experience.
on a second thought you dont need to hire someone to create the entire thing from scratch, but rather you can have them modify php-nuke or vbulletin to do what you need it to do, which i assume would be much cheaper.