Is turntable still being manufacture today?

Depens on how much your looking to spend. A good into turntable is going to run you around 500 plus a good cartridge. Then it goes up from there just like anything else hifi. The nad/raga turntable is a great turntable to get into the Hobbie with. It's a 500 dollar table. You can upgrade it to a glass plater and all that as you go along. You will also need a good phono pre amp . Those run around 120-200 for a good one. Unless you have a high end reciver with one built in.
get a laser turntable. no wear on your records and it is analog.
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get a laser turntable. no wear on your records and it is analog.

Thousands of dollars...

As long as you don't play the volume to loudly and take care of your records they will last quite a long time.

I think however if you are a SERIOUS vinyl lover with deep pockets the laser player is an option but not for the OP's needs.
so is there any improvement on the needle that handles scratches from the past 40+ year? The last time I put my hand on a turntable is about 1977.
Technics still makes some of the best turntables out there. They have different price ranges.

Though I highly suggest a used model 1200.
I have a 1200MKII, great table
Technics were built like tanks! I owned 5 at one point. I heard pioneer's table that just came out is supposed to be like the legendary 1200?
I like the newer Pro-Jects myself. They are reasonably inexpensive, for turntables :p , and have good tonearm balance and whatnot. The sound quality's biggest factor is the needle though, and those can get expensive as well.