Is Ultramon still the best multi-monitor program or is Display Fusion a decent alt?

I tried both last year, liked Display Fusion better overall... It was getting updated much more often and seemed better optimized for Win 7, plus it was cheaper to boot, and there was a two license discount. Wallpaper handling in particular is much better on DF imo, Ultramon had more options to set default sizes for certain apps and whatnot, if you're into that. DF has a nice complement of hotkey shortcuts.

I've heard good things about Actual Multiple Monitors over the last year but haven't tried it, I think that's the name at least. I did a very detailed comparison between UM and DF about a year ago, I can dig up the thread if you want.
What I really want is the ability to pin programs and shortcuts on all monitors.
What I really want is the ability to pin programs and shortcuts on all monitors.

Apparently that's coming on the very next version of DF (3.3.2), at least that's what it says on their boards. A beta version might have it already.
i have ultramon and when i crtl+d two taskbars can often disappear despite locking them all
i tried all these multimonitor programs and found only ultramon(+taskix) to have a usable classic taskbar
i have ultramon and when i crtl+d two taskbars can often disappear despite locking them all
yes many old xp programs have that problem
it can be prevented by using a customized script which excludes certain programs so they aren't affected
I reccomend you to try Actual Multiple Monitors. It is the best soft for MM for my opinion.

See WIKIs comparison table

Cool comparison, thanks for sharing! I might have to take a closer look at AMM, looks like DF is the only one that even comes close feature-wise (not bad for $25 vs $40), but I saw an extra couple things in the AMM column that might be nice to have. Looks like DF still has the best wallpaper management if you're fussy about that tho.
I've used Ultramon for the last several years, but couldn't get it to use the aero theme when I upgraded to 7 recently. Decided to give Display Fusion the free 30 day trial run and liked it enough to purchase it. There's still a couple of things I don't like about it, but overall I'm pretty happy with it.

If it helps any I run 5 monitors and am a pretty "intense" business user.
for Actual Multi-Monitor, I installed it, did the trial, it ran out, i uninstalled it, and in the reason why box I said price was too high, they actually replied and asked if I would buy it @ a discounted price.
Did they offer you any discount or was it just a general survey?

They offered a discount, I believe it was $10 off? I'll look @ my email when I get home and give you an exact $. but in my reasoning I did list the competing products are cheaper.
As I know you can get a discount for Actual Multiple Monitors for some reasons:

1. 50% if you are student
2. 30% if you a user of one of competitive prog
3. something else

no more know.. See Actual Tools site.
Sweet...glad I clicked this thread. I will be checking out Actual Multiple Monitors and potentially buying it.
