Is Undertale really goty?


Jul 25, 2005

I still have a decent Steam backlog, so won't pick this up anytime soon. But still good to hear of a title like this that favors gameplay and creativity to create fun and excitement. Anyone here tried it? Impressions?

Quirky games like this are what I love about PC gaming.
ya but most if not all of those games that won beat games that were way better imho.

edit: not that I,m saying untertale is bad, I haven't played it so i wouldn't know. I just think there are a lot of way better games on that list that should have won against other games
Honestly, it was good, but not great, and certainly not GOTY, let alone GOAT. I suspect people are getting caught up in the story, which is admittedly good, and ignoring that mechanically it has its share of problems. As is normal in Gamefaqs polls, there's probably also a fairly large amount of vote rigging from anti-game crowds, as well as those just pushing for a joke victory.

The multi-path (fight vs no-fight) is generally well done, but most boss fights come down to pure memorization, and not good mechanics. Within the fights, the ability to dodge attacks actively is a neat idea that I haven't seen done in the way they did it, but is not particularly a new idea overall. It does fall apart in some segments though. In particular, the boss fights at the end of both story paths are polar opposites. One is a relatively average bullet-hell segment, and the other path effectively turns into straight-memorization that feels like a bad implementation of Wario Ware. On its own I feel like the game is a slightly below-average RPG from gameplay with a slightly above-average RPG from story, but I feel like people are giving it a really large free pass for being an independent title.
Who cares what others say, don't be sheep, make up your own mind.

What is this game even? A remnant from the 8-bit era? Graphics may not be the most important part of gaming, but calling a game that looks and plays like it's 1991 game of the year in 2015 is like calling a 1991 car car of the year in 2015.
It's cheap, short, funny, and easy enough for a lot of people to finish; accessibility is why it's popular.
Also, the soundtrack is awesome.
I think it is that the fanboys are going nuts over it and pushing it/stuffing ballots/etc. It's a good game, no question, if you like quirky RPGs. I mean look at the user ratings on Steam: You don't get that kind of universal acclaim if it is bad. However GOTY is a bit much probably. Maybe for some people it is, but I think overall most people can find another game they liked more and spent more time on.

It is one of those titles that I would say is good, but not as good as the hype is making it out to be. Kinda like Civ 5 on release. It has a real big hype-train and that leads to things getting a bit inflated.
Why would you take anything from GAMEFAQS seriously?
Have you been to those forums? It's like reddit for 12 year olds, not quite 4chan, because you must have an account. They are all crazy. Of course this was probably some kids who were tired of OoT winning every year, so they screwed the poll. Just ignore this, its children fighting basically and spewing over into the streets...
I think it is that the fanboys are going nuts over it and pushing it/stuffing ballots/etc. It's a good game, no question, if you like quirky RPGs. I mean look at the user ratings on Steam: You don't get that kind of universal acclaim if it is bad. However GOTY is a bit much probably. Maybe for some people it is, but I think overall most people can find another game they liked more and spent more time on.

It is one of those titles that I would say is good, but not as good as the hype is making it out to be.

Liking this game is just the flavor of the week. People will move on and this game won't be remembered as one of the all time greats.
Don't pay attention to the GameFAQs polls. They are brigaded every year. Not saying Undertale is a bad game, just remember that the poll was completely open to the public.
I like the reviews...
“The puzzles aren't particularly impressive.”
10/10 – Destructoid

“I have a couple of issues with the user interface.”
10/10 – PCInvasion

“If there’s a criticism to be had, it’s that sometimes Toby Fox doesn’t know when to let a joke go.”
10/10 – The Jimquisition

I don't know how to take that... here's something negative... perfect 10!
I like the reviews...

I don't know how to take that... here's something negative... perfect 10!

Because reviewers don't know how to use a 10 step grade. And fanboys can't read them either.

Here's how they think:

10/10 : Very Good game
9/10 : OK game
8/10 : Mediocre game
7/10 : Worse than average game
6/10 : Bad game
5 and less : Incomprehensible

So they use only the upper third of the scale.

When it should work out to be something like this:

10/10 : Flawless perfect game, that only comes around once every leap year.
9/10 : Truly amazing game
8/10 : Very good game
7/10 : Good game with some smaller issues
6/10 : Slightly above average game, that shows something that lifts it out of the bunch
5/10 : Average game, not bad, completely playable just nothing remarkable
4/10 : Worse than average game, that's not all bad, can even have some fun with it, but overall it's forgettable
3/10 : A bad game that has some serious issues, that make playing it not much fun
2/10 : A game with numerous game breaking issues
1/10 : Utterly terrible game, that should be avoided at all costs.