Is your graphics card AGP or PCI Express in your main PC?

Is your graphics card AGP or PCI Express in your main PC?

  • AGP

    Votes: 337 66.1%
  • PCI Express

    Votes: 173 33.9%

  • Total voters


Feb 4, 2003
Simple poll.

For those with multiple PCs; I'm talking about your main rig you use to actually play the latest games or whatever.
AGP. I just built my 939 system and stayed with AGP because I had an ATI 9600 I thought I could stick with for a while. Then BF2 happened and I had to upgrade to a ATI AIW X800 XT but I'm still happy with my system.
Main rig just upgraded to PCI-e, my son's comp is AGP but we'll probably go to PCI-e the next time we need an up. :cool:
AGP for main gaming rig, AGP for main non-gaming rig.

When I move from 754->939, I will move from AGP->PCI-e, and from A64->A64 X2, and from DDR->DDR2, . . .

. . .

. . . and from having money in my wallet->selling my body on the streets :p .

Wheres the option for old school PCI cards? :D

PCI video cards have feelings to you know!!

but planning to buy a NEO4 sli plat and put 6800GT's hehe just for the heck of having sli :eek: or if im really on a budget (coz ill sell my family's comp to fund sli) ill just go for 2x6600GT's i dont think they'll need more power than that

but yeah.. AGP <3
AGP now. PCI-e when *I* want to, not because someone keeps waving their e-penis at me. My current system is very good for now.
AGP for now, and I just got a whole new budget system for BF 2. I looked at PCIe but the deals are all on the AGP side right now, and since not a game in the hands of the public cant even saturate a 4X AGP bus, much less a 8X, I can rock on 8X AGP for a while yet.
I recently upgraded to a PCI-E system and my 7800GTX should be delivered today. My AGP 6800 Ultra is for sale on eBay as we speak.
I'll buy/build a whole new machine before I go PCI-E on my MAIN rig. Or should I say that's when I will buy a PCI-e card for my main rig. I just bought a 256Mb 6800gt AGP and that should hold me over till I need a new machine. That may be a while as well I have a a64 3200. Most apps and games are not SMP programmed and since processor speed is not going anywhere (Rip Mores law). I think I should be able to make it to next year at least, if not a lot longer.

I did however buy 2 PCI-E cards (ati 256Mb x700 pro's) for the kids new machines. They actualy play BF2 nicely with a few of the video settings turned down. Very playable.
AGP. When I moved to s939 there were no PCIe boards out and they'd been "coming soon" for months. I got tired of waiting and got the neo2.
I don't plan to move to PCIe until there are DDR2 based boards avilable for AMD. No sense upgrading the motherboard every time 1 little new feature comes out. M2 socket, DDR2 and PCIe together? That's worth upgrading to.
Apallohadas said:
AGP now. PCI-e when *I* want to, not because someone keeps waving their e-penis at me. My current system is very good for now.

Man I think there is like reverse e-penis syndrome going around. Do people really pick on you guys for AGP? You sure it's not something you want so you bash it? I see people jump to conclusions that some guy bought an FX for e-penis, and IMO in those cases it's probably just as likely in that case that the guy bought it for e-penis, as he didn't, and it's the guy saying so that is either jealous or just a jerk that doesn't understand money. I still think the majority of people are way to self-absorbed to really care what you have at all.
I'd like to upgrade to PCI-E, but when I do, I'll need to overhaul my whole rig. There are NO consumer Socket 940 motherboards with PCI-E support.


Athlon 64 FX-53 (S940)
1GB Corsair XMSLL-Registered
Radeon All-In-Wonder X800XT
ASUS SK8V (VIA K8T800 chipset)
SB Audigy2 ZS

Basically, two conditions must be met before I'll switch over:

1. My X800XT can't handle the latest games.

2. I can't buy an AGP card that can.

In the meantime, I'm enjoying 1600x1200 4xaa 8xaf in most games Why upgrade?
Simple: AGP as of right now but when I upgrade I'll go PCI-E. I would have done it sooner but i need a new motherboard/Memory. It's a real bitch upgrading 1GB of DDR400 for no reason other then to have a PCI-E compatable mobo. Sucks I tell ya!!
I just got a P4c800-e deluxe in December, so I’m going to stick with 478 and AGP for as long as I can. I’m sure ati and nvidia will cards will be available in agp for at least the next year. :)

Kueller said:
I don't plan to move to PCIe until there are DDR2 based boards avilable for AMD. No sense upgrading the motherboard every time 1 little new feature comes out. M2 socket, DDR2 and PCIe together? That's worth upgrading to.


Current secret computer money envelope hidden from wife being contributed to weekly for just this move.

Oh....and Vista!
Wow 35% for PCIe - that is pretty high considering we got our first high-end PCIe parts only a few months ago. That number is gonna probably jump a lot by this time next year when the market has been flooded with PCIe for a while.
4400+ @ 2.6 and 7800GTX PCI-e in main rig and
2400+ @ 2.4 mobile barton and 6800gt AGP in second rig
Selecter said:
AGP for now, and I just got a whole new budget system for BF 2. I looked at PCIe but the deals are all on the AGP side right now, and since not a game in the hands of the public cant even saturate a 4X AGP bus, much less a 8X, I can rock on 8X AGP for a while yet.

The cards do use an AGP 4x bus. Not much more than that. If it didn't use it there wouldn't be the 1-5% gain in favor of AGP 8x. Now beyond 4x isn't that significant now.

Mainly I point this out because I think the statement is inaccurate.

BTW my last three motherboards for all my systems have been PCI-E. What can I say, I love SLi. :D
The only problem with AGP is you will all be wanting to dump it at the same time... Performance dif is nominal, but sell those pricey cards while they're still worth something!
Will stay w/AGP for as long as I can but when I'm forced to (probably after the R520 becomes obsolete) then I will make the transition.
texuspete00 said:
Man I think there is like reverse e-penis syndrome going around.
I highly doubt it. My rig plays CSS and BF2 just fine, with eye candy on.
Do people really pick on you guys for AGP?
I'll encourage you to look around before asking that, or the prior question/statement, again. AGP is becoming a curseword on the lips of some characters around here.
You sure it's not something you want so you bash it?
Now you're just getting stupid. Read what I post, not what you want to see.
I see people jump to conclusions that some guy bought an FX for e-penis, and IMO in those cases it's probably just as likely in that case that the guy bought it for e-penis, as he didn't, and it's the guy saying so that is either jealous or just a jerk that doesn't understand money.
Like I said, now you're being stupid, not to mention an ass. I own my house, my car, my dogs, and have a healthy stock portfolio. Does that debunk your claims of 'doesn't understand money'?

Again, I'll upgrade when *I* choose to. So far, the reasons to upgrade are negligible, and just a waste of money. I think I understand money very well.
I still think the majority of people are way to self-absorbed to really care what you have at all.
If that's so, you wouldn't have posted.