isp speed


May 10, 2005
Since I put another 512mb of ram in my system I decided to fire up the Point of Existance Mod for BFV and I noticed that every server I was going to I was having connection lag(the connection problem message would pop up frequently, ping between 70-100). So I did some speed tests(from my isp's website) and I've been getting between 460kbit/s-680bkit/s download and between 184bkit/s-224kbit/s upload. This seems kinda low for the internet package I have.
I have tried both connecting directly to the cable modem and through a router, I also regularly scan for virus' and spyware.
When your downloading from a website it puts it in units of kiloBYTES per second. The ISP shows the speed in megaBITS per second. it you convert it, off the top of my head, i think it ends up being around 800KB/s, then you have to subtract from it the degrating signal so the download seems to be up to par. I have 5meg cable also and i get around that for downloading. and for the download speed, i cant find what shaw lists it for at its site i believe it's usually around 800 something but i'm not sure the units for it so it probably has to be converted. But from what I can tell, it seems your upload is screwed up. Search on google for a windows networking reset program.

Does the bandwidth test really use kilobits, not bytes? If it is bytes then 680Kb(its) download would be fantastic. Well over the advertised 5 megabit. 8 bits in a byte but when you add in protocol overhead etc... the ratio is typically about 9 or 10 to 1. 500KB(bytes) would be in the 5 Megabit range. Give or take. I believe yours probably does use bits. If not then, " between 184bkit/s-224kbit/s upload" is a great deal for the money. Pretty much unheard of for 40 bucks a month because that would be in the 1.5-2 Megabit range upload speed. Not likely though possible. If it is really using bits as I suspect then your download is not good, at least by that test. Upload would be about right. Bandwidth meters are bogus tests anyway.

Download the executable from the link below and post what your downloading at once the initial burst settles down.
I cancelled after downloading half the file but I was downloading at about 63kb/s.