Issues setting up network


Apr 9, 2005
Ok, here's the deal. I know a ton about computers, but I hate networking. I can do most of it without issue, but for some reason, I can't get this to work. I dunno, maybe it can't work at all, but I figured I'd ask. Here goes:

My main computer has two network adapters. I'd like one to be connected directly to the internet, with the second going to a router where everything else in my home is connected.

Basically, this is what I want: Internet --> Main --> Router --> Everything else.

Is this possible? And if so, how would I go about setting it up? I've been messing with it forever, and just can't seem to get it to work. :(

::EDIT:: Nevermind, I just disabled DHCP. It'll work fine as a hub.
What's the purpose of this setup out of curiousity? If you need a PC exposed to the internet (all of your machines are now from the diagram and edited post) then just put it in your routers DMZ. No sense in making all your rigs vulnerable.
Well, the purpose was just to have a quick network setup. I wanted my main computer directly connected, with the router connecting through my second network adapter. There would be another computer, and an xbox, running through the router. However, like I said, it was giving me issues.

Actually, despite the edit in my previous post, I just decided to run everything through the router to avoid any future problems.

This is how it's setup right now: Internet --> Router --> Everything else.

I really should brush up on my networking skills. :)