Issues with Buyer

this is about you :)
From the first post. 2nd sentence. The SELLER (who is the O.P.) says he received positive feedback.

Some advice, spartan VI... try reading the entire posts :) You've messed up twice on this thread, and both things you were thinking of were clearly posted. My statement about "especially with all the prior proof" and MC FMJIG's post about "received positive feedback"

I applaud your attempts to help, but if you don't read everything, you miss something important.

Wow, I'm confused. I was looking at their heat though and only see negative heat to the OP (seller) and positive heat left for the buyer (oczman). Unless he meant positive feedback out of that context or it was changed. I'd go back and take a look, but don't necessarily have time (see below).

Sound advice though, it's truly an honest mistake. I hate to pull this card again, but I post from work and only have like 30 seconds to capture and relay information. :D

It's worked out for me so far, but for back and forth conversations, you see some info is lost in translation.

<edit> And I do realize this is not your problem. But thanks for exercising some patience.

Third line from top feedback is the seller.

If you read what he wrote it clearly states that I packaged it well and then in PM's it says I sent a messed up product.

I tried to work with the the guy before this got out of hand.

I just received this a few days ago. I just ignored it.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Mail: troll dickhead
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 22:10:44 -0500

The user oczman has sent you the following message
Like I said, you don\'t do what I say, ill fuck you over.
You can view your mailbox at

Third line from top feedback is the seller.

If you read what he wrote it clearly states that I packaged it well and then in PM's it says I sent a messed up product.

I tried to work with the the guy before this got out of hand.

I just received this a few days ago. I just ignored it.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Mail: troll dickhead
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 22:10:44 -0500

The user oczman has sent you the following message
Like I said, you don\'t do what I say, ill fuck you over.
You can view your mailbox at

Oh I see, he posted positive then a negative later. Nice PM. What an ass.

Is negative feedback the best he could do to "fuck you over?"
what kinda person would buy any type of water cooling and not run it OUTSIDE the rig for at least 24 hours to test it..

I agree with the rest of the posters, it arrived in working condition and you owe him nothing..
thats just stupid..... so hes bein an ar$e cause he has nothing else?
invite him over "to fuck you over" then have all your mates tooled up and go to town. ;)
Forward that PM to heatware staff right away. Also, PM a mod here to get this prick banned. I also suggest you leave him a negative heat explaining how he attempted to scam you, with a link to this thread. It appears he's still doing trades here.
Forward that PM to heatware staff right away. Also, PM a mod here to get this prick banned. I also suggest you leave him a negative heat explaining how he attempted to scam you, with a link to this thread. It appears he's still doing trades here.

And that is an issue...Please follow thunderstruck's advice...lets get this guy out of here..
The fact that the 'buyer' has yet to show up in this thread to at least attempt to plead his case
speaks volumes, and lol @ him wanting a new Thermochill as a replacement. Too funny.:D
oczman has been banned as a bad trader due to this and for soliciting false heatware
subscribed. This is an interesting thread! :D, wow yea def. that guy is lying. Good job MC, if I see something I need from your thread I will buy from you even though you had a negative feedback*that a**, heh, I must be lucky I got a cooler master wc external kit, I installed it, and only bleed it for a minute, then only left the wc unit on *not comp* to do leaking test for only an hour and Ive had it for 4months+ and still no leaks :D. Anyways good luck MC, and hope paypal is with your side.
LMFAO...Nice feedback.

Forum: Low End Mac
Was unable to satsify me properly. Need whale cock for that.
Seller was limp all night, and on request to take Viagra, declined profusely. Could not get it up and left me with blue balls. Beware at all costs.
Despite the fact this person is trying to scam you, leaving that type of feedback won't resolve the situation any quicker. I would suggest contacting Heatware and have them remove it.

I will admit, that was funny as hell. :D
Ouch...broke a watercooling kit, ruined his hardware, tried to blame it on seller, then sells the broken kit to someone else...dang.
That is a weird twist...

I did not make a new account. I have better things to do than that.

I wonder if that other guy is real...
I odn't know but i did receive a PM from oczman on AIM (keepinitfakefoso) asking if i shipped something out yet or something. The sad thing is that i don't even know what he was talking about ( i think he got mixed up with another person or something his trying to scam. So he might be messaging people with *deals* on AIM.
There have also been reports of him e-mailing people directly, asking them to ship first :rolleyes:
His just a little kid. He thinks he can cut a person down to make them feel bad over the internet. He really hasn't learned anything. He messaged me form my other post saying he wasn't a troll and a lot of BS with a lot of name calling and then me doing *things* on my knees to him which i think he was sharing his *wet dreams* with me. I can see just by talking to him that theres no way he even thought about doing a legit deal.

Oh he also threated to hack me over IP or something. I don't know i think it was rather funny.
Apparently "rburton" is this same guy. I just ordered a Tuniq from him before Vertigo had a chance to close the thread and link to this thread. Hopefully it gets to me ok. :(
I was about to buy a 36gig raptor from rburton. He had no references so I asked him to ship first and I'll pay once I have a tracking number. He plainly refused and told me that I should pay first or call him to talk it out. Thank goodness I got the warning, I am not trading with any newbies in the future!!

this is what he pm'ed me:

Look bro Im not gonna ship first. Im not that gullible, honestly. Heatware or references or Ebay means nothing to me, those are all fake anyways. Anyone who wants to talk shit about you can post on Heatware. At the same time even someone with 30 good heat feedbacks can suddenly scam someone. You need to trust me based on how I handle our transaction and the fact that Im telling you I will give you all the private information I have. I am even offering to talk to you on the phone 310-940-5188. But shipping first is not an option. I even have the pictures you requested. I have other offers standing but Id like to close this deal. let me know of your final decision. Thanks.

So, the backstory on this connection is that rburton was seen using oczman's heat over at Anand.When confronted, he claimed that it was his roommate's.
I'm most inclined at this point to believe that Renaud (rburton) is indeed the roommate of our old buddy Marudeen (oczman), and that they've decided to be roommates in crime.
I was kind of shocked seeing this open again! LOL

Well I am a tad disappointed with heatware. I sent them about 2 messages and no reply whatsoever. Neither did they change it. I hated seeing 1 red on my evaluations and it kills me to see 2. It is obvious they are false but heatware has done nothing. I have lost a bit of faith with them.

Well at least I didn't get scammed, thank GOD. I have some info if you guys want that posted. If it's allowed. Have different address though... moved?

There was also an Anandtech froum with this guy but it's deleted... WHY!?!?!?:confused:
I talked with him on AIM today, and he confirmed that he shipped it. He linked me to his ebay auction of the same system, and it even says in the ebay auction that the cooler was sold, so he can only include the stock one. Good news for me I guess.
The user oczman has sent you the following message
Haha you sad motherfxxxxxx loser. Did you ever get that sxxt
straightened out? HAHA doesnt look it.

Later queer.

:eek::D lol
The user oczman has sent you the following message
Haha you sad motherfxxxxxx loser. Did you ever get that sxxt
straightened out? HAHA doesnt look it.

Later queer.

:eek::D lol

Forward it to Heatware is all I can say. Maybe your original request got lost.
According to the Heatware policy, you can get the two retalitory feedbacks removed.

The reasons they list for retractions:

  • There is a typographical error in the evaluation.
  • Evaluation was left for the wrong person.
  • Evaluator chooses to retract the evaluation.
  • No money/goods were exchanged.
  • Evaluation was written in retaliation.
  • Duplicate evaluations submitted for the same trade.
Ordered the Tuniq from him and he said he shipped it last saturday. He also sent me a link to an ebay auction where he was selling his whole PC, and it said that the Tuniq was sold, and not part of the PC anymore. I don't see why he would do that if he didn't really send it out to me, so I refrained from sending a claim to paypal. It is now saturday, 1 week after he claims to have sent it, and the item is not here. I am hoping he sent it parcel, and it's taking the full 9 days to ship. :(
get a tracking number from him. There is no reason for 1 week to go by and you dont have a tracking. If you asked and he hasnt provided proof of shipping then a claim to paypal should be started NOW! Do not wait any longer. Contact him one last time and ask for proof of shipping. Then contact paypal on the phone and have then note the issue and then follow with a claim right after.
He says he will pay me back half the money if I end the paypal claim. He says that he will only pay me if I close the claim, and only then. I'm thinking he's just gonna wait for me to close it, then block me and not send me anything.

What are my chances of paypal fulfilling my claim and sending me my money? I put in the claim that he was a scammer using a different account.
NEVER cancel a Paypal claim unless you have received the item you paid for... Any other attempt by the scammer to get you to retract your claim, is a strong attempt to scam you further... If you retract your claim it won't let you put another back in....

Heh, looks like he just left another fake negative for MC today... :(
wow.. this is a trip.. where do these people come from....

I love the Heatware comments.. there just funny!

Fell sorry for you to be going through this with this guy though...
NEVER cancel a Paypal claim unless you have received the item you paid for... Any other attempt by the scammer to get you to retract your claim, is a strong attempt to scam you further... If you retract your claim it won't let you put another back in....

Heh, looks like he just left another fake negative for MC today... :(

U caught that!!! LOL

I saw my eamil today and just laughed. I really don't have a lot of time so when I get to it I'll get to it.

I find it funny. I think it's more than obvious people will know I am not a scammer! LOL
I told him to go screw himself. 5 minutes after I stopped talking to him, paypal upgraded the status to "Paypal is reviewing this claim". Full refund was recieved a couple minutes after that, he knew he had no chance. He im'ed me and says "hope you feel good, now I'm overdrawn on debit". It his own damn fault.