It.. appears! FOXCONN 8800GT product page is up!

So no one knows if a high end part is being released as well or if its just this right? :mad:
i hope we get some more benches from some more known sites because im seconds away from RMAing my GTX and buying the 8800 GT + a 22" LCD.
I just hope the card comes out under $250.. I'm tired of Nvidia milking the consumers with these $400 price points just because they don't happen to have competition from ATI.

I guess I should have bought their stock as their profits and the stock price are at record levels thanks to their milking the 8800 series.

Yeah you just answered your own question Anyway, who ever posted that recent link to "new" "benchmarks" is late. Not to even mention it's from some unknown site that looks like a fucking blog, they're weeks old. Be my guest and buy it though. Not enough sheep.
Since there aren't any major architectural changes except for the shrink to 65nm, and it has high shader clocks/112 SP's, it should stock perform near GTX level, and overclock like a beast, just extrapolating our known info ;). As far as that site goes, don't think anyone's ever heard of them, those benches look suspicious with an overclocked GTS640 only barely beating out a much lower clocked GTS320 to say the least ;).
I just hope the card comes out under $250.. I'm tired of Nvidia milking the consumers with these $400 price points just because they don't happen to have competition from ATI.

I guess I should have bought their stock as their profits and the stock price are at record levels thanks to their milking the 8800 series.

It is under $250 for pre-order at several merchants for a 512MB PNY model:
Back of card?


Can you get any info from the back of a card :rolleyes:
If that sub $250 pricetag is correct, I'm sure that IF the 8800gt does show up, this will blow the 2900pro out of the water unless ATI/AMD does one of its famous price drops to beat it at the price game.

I know I'm personally excited about it. Gives me alot of options to look at for Christmas.

I miss the days of the $300 high end. So sad that midrange is practically at that pricepoint now.

I would hardly call the 8800GT "midrange".
Can anyone confirm that the spacing of the mounting holes might be the same as a 6 or 7 series card?

A cheap Accelero S1 would be nice.
LOL i remember those days of 400 being top end. That was with the ATI 8500 Still have that card. Was soooo sweet.

Glad to see it also as my 120 doller 2600xt is a piece of crap. Also hate the idea of spending that much money on one part which is only needed for gaming. 250 should be top end. Hope they keep it that way because its just stupid.
Is the 8800gt the only new card nvidia is releasing this year or will there be a higher end one?
[CaM]Spoon;1031560080 said:
LOL i remember those days of 400 being top end. That was with the ATI 8500 Still have that card. Was soooo sweet.

Glad to see it also as my 120 doller 2600xt is a piece of crap. Also hate the idea of spending that much money on one part which is only needed for gaming. 250 should be top end. Hope they keep it that way because its just stupid.

I remember paying $299.99 for the original GeForce. I thought that was insane.
I would hardly call the 8800GT "midrange".

In price point comparison to the ultra high end ultra, the gtx, adn the gts....its pretty much the perfect midrange card - for me at least. This is gonna be like my ti4200 all over again.
9800XT for $300...I was Half-Life 2 ready damnit!!!

9800XT was a beast....I am still running a 9600XT(on one computer at least...other is a x800).

I don't understand how this is going to have the performance everyone is talking about and be ~$250.

It just doesn't seem feasible.
9800XT was a beast....I am still running a 9600XT(on one computer at least...other is a x800).

I don't understand how this is going to have the performance everyone is talking about and be ~$250.

It just doesn't seem feasible.

if it is true, hopefully it means the $600+ dollar high end card will be beast.
Anyone else like me and waiting on this card with some very very hopeful attitude for a cheap, amazing upgrade/new build? If so, what do you guys think? Buy it as soon as it hits the shelves (with good benches) or wait it out until the new ati card comes out and buy the better of the 2?
Anyone else like me and waiting on this card with some very very hopeful attitude for a cheap, amazing upgrade/new build? If so, what do you guys think? Buy it as soon as it hits the shelves (with good benches) or wait it out until the new ati card comes out and buy the better of the 2?

I always go ati to nvidia in my builds and since I have an ati card now, I don't care about the 2950 or whatever :p

Seriously though I just wanna see the benches. As long as the benches are looking good in comparison to current nvidia cards, as the rumors are saying, I'll bite.
I'm just waiting for these to come out so the prices for other cards will drop. ANd i'm also waiting for the new zunes.
Anyone else like me and waiting on this card with some very very hopeful attitude for a cheap, amazing upgrade/new build? If so, what do you guys think? Buy it as soon as it hits the shelves (with good benches) or wait it out until the new ati card comes out and buy the better of the 2?

I was all set to order a new system and sent the specs to a buddy of mine and he mentioned the 8800GT. I'm just waiting for the moment they drop. I'm ready to go!
I don't understand how this is going to have the performance everyone is talking about and be ~$250.

die shrink = more chips per wafer = higher yields

256bit bus = smaller core size = more chips per wafer = higher yields

256bit bus = less complicated pcb

higher yields + less complicated pcb = less cost

I think it's entirely possible. It DOES make me wonder what kind of high-end beast NV has got in the pipe.
I don't understand how this is going to have the performance everyone is talking about and be ~$250.

It just doesn't seem feasible.

Going from a 90nm to 65nm process almost halves (52%) the size of the chip. This will give slightly more than twice as many potential chips per die (the die is circular so less wastage on the edge). Halving the size of the chip will also roughly half the number that have a manufacturing defect. Given the enormous size of the g80 defect losses were almost certainly a significant fraction of the total. (Intel cited the defect rate as why they weren't making native 90nm dual or 65nm quads). All of this combines to make the GPU much cheaper.

The lower power needs of the smaller chip also allow cost savings in the voltage regulators and a smaller cooling system. I don't know if the ram chips were changed any or not, but almost every other major component has become significantly cheaper so the major price drop for a similar level of performance is not IMO unreasonable.
a major price drop would be in order if nvidia and ati didnt collude to be monopolies and price fix.

since that is not happening, the price of 100 dollars for the new GT will not occur even though that is probably closer to what it is worth.
a major price drop would be in order if nvidia and ati didnt collude to be monopolies and price fix.

since that is not happening, the price of 100 dollars for the new GT will not occur even though that is probably closer to what it is worth. amateur wannabe economists amuse me.
a major price drop would be in order if nvidia and ati didnt collude to be monopolies and price fix.

since that is not happening, the price of 100 dollars for the new GT will not occur even though that is probably closer to what it is worth.

Hate to break it to you, but people do think that the current GTS, GTX, Ultra, 2900xt, etc cards are very much "worth" it.

Hell $400 for a years worth of awesome gaming is defiantly worth it to me. Thats about a week or less worth of work @ $10 or more an hour. Considering its easy to spend $20 on a single ticket / drink / popcorn at the movies ($35 for two), I'd say these cards are well worth the price for what they offer.

Would I rather get it for $200? Sure, but I'd also rather not have to pay rent, work at all, and eat for free. But thats not happening anytime soon either. I'd rather have the guys designing and manufacturing these cards get a nice profit off them so they continue to provide excellent products.
if nvidia does not drop an high end part this year, it'll be a rare moment in recent history for them not to do so. 8800GT looks like it is goin to be a solid buy for people who are waiting for the next great vid. card from nvidia.
Hate to break it to you, but people do think that the current GTS, GTX, Ultra, 2900xt, etc cards are very much "worth" it.

Hell $400 for a years worth of awesome gaming is defiantly worth it to me. Thats about a week or less worth of work @ $10 or more an hour. Considering its easy to spend $20 on a single ticket / drink / popcorn at the movies ($35 for two), I'd say these cards are well worth the price for what they offer.

Would I rather get it for $200? Sure, but I'd also rather not have to pay rent, work at all, and eat for free. But thats not happening anytime soon either. I'd rather have the guys designing and manufacturing these cards get a nice profit off them so they continue to provide excellent products.

+1 :D
Ok what is going on ! we are 7 days away from the launch and still no solid information or benchmarks ? does this card even exist ? have nvidia even acknowledged it yet ? this is just getting ridiculous now. amateur wannabe economists amuse me.

um ok I respect you

400 dollars worth it? well, if you dont care about the 400 dollars being gone, why not I guess.

It is NO WHERES near the cost of that though. 400 dollars could get you a factory of malaysian children with 1 hand removed for a week.
Ok what is going on ! we are 7 days away from the launch and still no solid information or benchmarks ? does this card even exist ? have nvidia even acknowledged it yet ? this is just getting ridiculous now.

well time better hurry the heck up, i got a new custom case done and i'm here waiting on the darn hardware wit money burning likes it is a STD, lol!
Ok what is going on ! we are 7 days away from the launch and still no solid information or benchmarks ? does this card even exist ? have nvidia even acknowledged it yet ? this is just getting ridiculous now.

They better acknowledge it real soon, GoldenTiger's ass is on the line here.
um ok I respect you

It is NO WHERES near the cost of that though. 400 dollars could get you a factory of malaysian children with 1 hand removed for a week.

Actually, I work at best buy and it makes me sad that I can buy a 400$ video card for 395$... 395$ being the wholesale cost +5%. So yes, the current generation of cards seem very expensive to manufacture.
When is dx10.1 coming out? Seems like a great card but almost "outdated" at launch.

Does seem like a sweet card though.
my guess would be that because it's as powerful as it is, they don't want to reveal anything until the last second so they can give the perception that if you want to buy an 8800GTS right now, you're still getting the more powerful card even though it's not true.

At least they aren't making empty promises like some companies and software makers do, giving out release dates they don't meet, sometimes by 6 months or more.