Itchy Fingers With Three 500 Series Cards


Jun 6, 2004
I asked last week about upgrading from SLI 570s but I've been itching to do something.

i2600k - 4.4ghz
asus ws revolution p8p67mobo
8gb ram - 1600mhz
1 raptor 120gb hdd
2 - 1tb storage drives
corsair hx1000 psu
2 x evga gtx 570 2.5gb video cards

Currently running 570 2.5GB cards in SLI
I have a fresh RMA of an EVGA GTX 580 1.5GB heading to me in the mail

Sell all three and get what I can now for an upgrade??
Sell 570's and buy a 580 and make a few bucks?
Sell 580 and make a few bucks?

I'm thinking:
SLI 570's 2.5gb are worth $300 for the pair
580 SC 1.5gb is worth $180

I currently have 3 1920x1080 asus monitors but was also thinking about ditching them for a single larger monitor with a better resolution or looking into GSYNC.

Battlefield 4
Call Of Duty World at War to Black Ops 2
World Of Tanks

SLI has proven to be very dependent on CPU speed and motherboard architecture to me. When overclocking my processor to 4.4 there were dramatic improvements but I can't help but think am I squeezing all I can out of my cards? Would I be better off with a single card?

GTX 570 SLI in Fire Strike gave me 5800 points which seems to be on par with a 770 but is the actual gameplay as smooth as it would be with one card?

/end rambling
That's a tough spot to be in...sell the 500 series now, or wait until Maxwell and inevitably lose a bunch of value on them.

If you can find a way to get a single 780 or 780ti now, that's the path I'd recommend since it would be a performance upgrade.

OTOH, a 770 4GB would be an easier pill for your wallet to swallow, as long as you plan for a second one given the monitor setup you use.

Dunno, have quite a few options to choose from, but every one comes with it's own pro's and con's.

For example, I'm holding out for a 860ti/870 Maxwell. Knowing full well that my 570 value will be next to nothing, but I accept that since I'm scrimping and saving for Maxwell and I will see one hell of a performance gain going from single GPU to single GPU. If I were rocking two 570 2.5 GB, I would be making these exact same threads trying to figure out just what the hell to do...