It's here, It's here

LOL - another one that captures video!

I'm surprised it has "creative" modes though. Are these not considered "Pro-Level"?

Nonetheless, it sounds like a fine piece of gear. Any of you Canon guys plan on upgrading?
Does any serious photog really want video? I doubt it very seriously, it appeals more to the very wealthy DSLR noobs who can plunk down some heavy cash for a new gadget. Keep the video capability off my DSLR please.
I am upgrading and keeping my current 5D as a backup/give it to the wife. While I think video is a little ridiculous for a DSLR I can see it being semi useful. The video samples are very nice.
I like the video features but not enough to upgrade. I'm going to wait for a refinement of this technology to appear in the Rebel version.

I won't be upgrading to the new 5D. For my uses it'll be a good landscape or studio camera. I'll need something better to be my overall use camera. Better being something with pro AF and programmable auto-ISO.
LOL - another one that captures video!

I'm surprised it has "creative" modes though. Are these not considered "Pro-Level"?

Nonetheless, it sounds like a fine piece of gear. Any of you Canon guys plan on upgrading?

Video sounds to me like an experiment.

No I'm not upgrading. Too expensive at this time. CA is like full auto with fine tuning. It doesn't have any other scene modes. Even the original 5D came with Full Auto. Since it borders on Pro/Prosumer I wasn't surprised to see the 50D's CA added in. Still a B mode! Nice extra to have it on the dial.

1080p video will be a consumer swing point and a sales pitch. Heck with EF lenses and 1080p video clips, I think it will be a surprise hit. I just want to see some samples. Only a few days left until I can.
It looks awesome. But I'm no pro and all of my gear together isn't worth what that camera is selling for. :eek:
What's that I can see in the back of my mind. GEAR ENVY!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOoooo
Its about time! I actually like the idea of basic video in my cameras. I'm not a professional photog, but take a lot of pics, mostly action stuff. Sometimes a quick video is really nice but not importaint enough to carry a separate device. I kind of wish they'd pushed the fps a bit higher and I worry that it won't be able to match the high iso performance of the Nikon - looking forward to the reviews.
For me IS is only a small part of picture. I want ISO 12800 and 25600, which are usable. Also lens selection is another big factor for me. I showed a example that pro's that make there living usually get very reliable equipment so they pick canon/nikon for a reason. Also it would not surprise me if Olympus gets bought out (hey it could happen, a lot of people though it would not happen to minolta). Another thing is full frame. Since I have already moved to full frame, the difference is big for me. I think (correct me if I am wrong) the only body with in body IS is the Sony A900, which also cost in the same price range as a lot of the higher end SLR's.

You are right, most people do not need $2000-3000 cameras. Just like most people only need a single core 3200 and not a Q9450@3200x4, only need 2Gb and not 8GB, on-board sound and not X-fi extreme gamer, a kai/hyundai instead of a lexus/bmw. I just say each to their own you know.

I also can google the advantages/disadvantages of IS/etc and come up with thousands of things that say Len IS is better or worst than inbody IS. This is not the point of this thread. If you want to start another thread about the advantages/disadvantages of IS then start one. This thread is about the 5D MkII which hopefully start shipping sooner than expected.

Also the videos at 1080p are pretty awesome. The more I watch, the more ideas I get.

Raw clips SOOC

Another video

Lets get back on track.
I see they integrated the D3/700s ISO profile. I said that Canon would have to do that to stay competitive and, somebody on another forum said I was crazy. What I would like to see is in body and, lenses VR/IS. I would want the option of turning it off of course or, even at what orientation it would operate at. They can keep the video, I know some see it as narrow minded but, if I want a video camera, I will buy one.
No, but it's a nice added feature.

I do mostly motorsport photography, so the majority of my shots are pans. The video feature adds a new dimension to photo journalism. It is nice to add a video in addition to the images taken at the race track. Most customers/teams/drivers will enjoy being able to see video footage in addition to the images.

I currently shoot with a 1D MKII & 5D MKI. My original upgrade path was to upgrade from the 1D MKII to the 1D MKIII, but I am going to upgrade the 5D MKI to the 5D MKII first.

For my own personal use, the video feature will be nice for family functions, especially with my 1 year old niece.

I think the 21 MP is overkill for me but it's good for those who are doing larger prints.
Moved the IS discussion to another thread, sorry for taking this so far off topic here.

On a more related note, my fiance told me I might as well buy one as soon as it comes out, just so she doesn't have to hear me talking about it every day :D
heheh, smart women. My wife said basically the same thing. The biggest mistake with my 5D is that I waited for a long time before I upgraded to it.....
Ditto. I held on to my 20D awaiting for the new 5D MKII announcement that was originally slated for the Fall of 2007 but Canon pushed out the MKII release. I got sick of waiting so I sold the 20D and upgraded to the 5D as a back up body.
You going to get one DarkTiger? If you do, post some pic's, and let us know how you like it. Not like you won't like it. LOL.
I have had mine on preorder since Sept. Trust me I will post some pictures :)

My current 5D will make a good backup camera.....