It's not mojo


Oct 12, 2004
Well it may not be mojo but.....
Long Island Iced Tea...home style!

This is a little modified for my taste

1 part vodka
1 part tequilla
1 part rum
1 part gin
1 part triple sec
3 parts sweet and sour mix
add coca cola till desiered color is reached!

What a fabulous concoction!!!!....turned wife into stripper!!!!!!!! :D

Homemade mix can be a bit overpowering compared to bars....add mix as needed.
Use at this mix at your own descretion!!! :cool:

Mayhem33 said:
!!!!....turned wife into stripper!!!!!!!! :D


Umm I mean pics of wife's boxen...Opps, I mean pics of wife's folding boxen... I give up.
lozaning said:
can i ask as to where this came from

Webtender.....I changed the amout of mix from 1.5 parts to 3 parts as suited to my taste.

Sorry pics! :p

That is a good one...used to get 'em by the pitcher at an oyster bar on the Intercoastal waterway north of Charleston, SC when my college roomie was there and I was stationed at FT Gordon(1988)and I was dating a stripper at the time....... :p ......... Drink 'em like real tea....till you went to stand up. Probably why I stick to Scotch and beer now....... :D

Mad Machinist said:
That is a good one...used to get 'em by the pitcher at an oyster bar on the Intercoastal waterway north of Charleston, SC when my college roomie was there and I was stationed at FT Gordon(1988)and I was dating a stripper at the time....... :p ......... Drink 'em like real tea....till you went to stand up. Probably why I stick to Scotch and beer now....... :D

QFT, those damn things can sneak up on like the tax man ;)

Just laughing at old memories. good to see you up and about the forums again man
Mayhem33 said:
Well it may not be mojo but.....
Long Island Iced Tea...home style!

What a fabulous concoction!!!!....turned wife into stripper!!!!!!!! :D

Homemade mix can be a bit overpowering compared to bars....add mix as needed.
Use at this mix at your own descretion!!! :cool:

Ohhhh..... sounds good.... I'd have to be careful with something like that, by the time it was all said and done, I'd be folding.... up under a table. :D

p[H]ant0m said:
Ohhhh..... sounds good.... I'd have to be careful with something like that, by the time it was all said and done, I'd be folding.... up under a table. :D

As long as its with your wife......START FOLDING! :D

KodiakStar said:
Just laughing at old memories. good to see you up and about the forums again man

Yep, My mom had the surgery, around 3 weeks ago. So far so good.
Irishllama said:
Yep, My mom had the surgery, around 3 weeks ago. So far so good.

That is good news Irish, glad to hear it. Tell her we are all thinking about her (not you of couse, just your mom getting better) ;)
marty9876 said:

Umm I mean pics of wife's boxen...Opps, I mean pics of wife's folding boxen... I give up.

Thats just wrong :)

Yeah thanks, I should be up And folding soon again. I got another 2 boxen for free. So hopefully I'll have the small farm back up soon.