It's official Apple "NOT" going with Intel....

The deal clearly specifies that Freescale are bound to provide Apple with chips, but Apple are not bound to buy them.
Black Morty Rackham said:
The deal clearly specifies that Freescale are bound to provide Apple with chips, but Apple are not bound to buy them.

Exactly. Apple needs to make sure they have a supply of G4's so they can still provide support to the customers covered by AppleCare. ;)

This thread should be closed because of the EXTREMELY misleading title and before it turns into a flame war.
yeah i concur, and it also seems so, welll odd, after jobs made things very clear... make it go away... or maybe add a 'reasons to think crically' sticky.

This is just apples safety net, in case there's some kind of supply or design problem problem during the changeover that slows their plans (understandable after the IBM fuckups), so they can still keep releasing stuff based on the old tech to keep stock in the stores.
This doesn't mean that Apple is not going to Intel platform, it just means that they are still going to be using IBM processor for the time being.
acascianelli said:
This doesn't mean that Apple is not going to Intel platform, it just means that they are still going to be using IBM processor for the time being.
Well, Freescale processors anyhow.
apple is in a pretty confusing state right now. they preech about not conforming to main stream microsoft when they themselves now are very main stream and are even larger conformists. lol they only offer so many choices for hardware and case designs.
shoney said:
apple is in a pretty confusing state right now. they preech about not conforming to main stream microsoft when they themselves now are very main stream and are even larger conformists. lol they only offer so many choices for hardware and case designs.
Apple is a company trying to turn a profit, just like Microsoft. Anything they 'preach' is just a marketing tactic. To think otherwise is merely a testament to how much Apple knows how to play their customer loyalty card.
I highly doubt that Apple would turn on its Intel plans now. Especially after they unintentionally released Intel builds of OSX. They kept Marklar secret ever since OS 10.0 came out, the move to Intel platforms was well thought out and planned.
shoney said:
apple is in a pretty confusing state right now. they preech about not conforming to main stream microsoft when they themselves now are very main stream and are even larger conformists. lol they only offer so many choices for hardware and case designs.

Thats the dumbest thing I have ever read. And that says alot next to some of my posts.

Apple is not mainstream. Maybe in Film/Audio/Digital production. But they are what...3 percent int he computer market for home users?

Dell only offers a certain case, same with Gateway, Sony, etc. Those companies offer the same harware as well. You cant call Dell, and tell them you want Corsair memory in your MSI board with a Maxtor SATA drive. So stating that Apple limits its hardware choices is retarded.

Apples lack of hardware selection (ie: not having 37 possible mainboards on the market) keeps the computers Operating system as stable as it is. Thats really the big "wont crash" deal with Apple. 1 board, 1 proc, 1 this, 1 that, no worries on drivers for several variants on a single part.

Design? yes Apple has worked hard to walk away from the typical "Tan tower" look of the other manufactors. The G5 is just sick. Dells XPS flagship gaming tower is bland. Compaq has always looked like poo, and I forgot what a Gateway looks like so I wont say anything. Liam Lee (hope thats right) cases for PC's resemble G5's, are they conforming to mainstream styles?

Apple is a corporation, unlike Microsoft. Apple is working hard to earn peoples money. I will not say anything about MS though. However, here is some documentation for the non believers

I think Apple tried to pull a Howard Stern, and break free sooner than later. However, ,they still need patrs for older computers, G4 chips and G5 Chips/parts for Apple care and upgrades.

How did I do? I only bashed MS gently this time. Life is rough when you are a member of a cool Apple forum, built in a major Windows based forum.
I watched Steve making his yearly presentation........he said the changeover will take 2 years, and then he said all of their Apple computers will be sporting Intel chips

then again he also said he promised G5's in a laptop year before :p

I think the idea is apple is guaranteed to have G4 processors readily available for the extent of their last one-year warrantees issued for G4-based computers. They're just covering their asses to make sure A: that they can continue to support their computers as well as the have been, and B: to make sure they have an out if the intel deal doesn't go as smoothly as possible (aka, if for some reason they aren't as stable as they want, or if their customer base has a huge problem converting to intel. I don't think there's much chance of that, but hey, it makes sense to me!)
soulsaver_8229 said:
I watched Steve making his yearly presentation........he said the changeover will take 2 years, and then he said all of their Apple computers will be sporting Intel chips

then again he also said he promised G5's in a laptop year before :p
The difference is that Intel probably will be able to deliver, unlike IBM.

I think the idea is apple is guaranteed to have G4 processors readily available for the extent of their last one-year warrantees issued for G4-based computers. They're just covering their asses to make sure A: that they can continue to support their computers as well as the have been, and B: to make sure they have an out if the intel deal doesn't go as smoothly as possible (aka, if for some reason they aren't as stable as they want, or if their customer base has a huge problem converting to intel. I don't think there's much chance of that, but hey, it makes sense to me!)