It's Temporary, but....


Nov 28, 2004
I've just managed to b0rg one of my labs (32 celeron 1.1s) for the next 72-84 hours...I'm hopeful that I'll manage to climb a few ranks over the next couple of days...:p
for that lenght of time..
say no to big packets
do configonly if you get a chance so as to reduce tinker likelyhood (then of course start it back up :D )

anybody have other ideas on issuring as much work as possible over that window?

Lock the doors and don't allow anyone to touch them? for the next year??.... oh wait..... damn.....

I'd set it for regular, non-big-packet WUs... as a service so it's seamless and won't be interupted by people using it (if there are people using it for that time period)

Keep on Folding!!

I wish that I could just lock the less chance that the students would break my computers...:p I'm hopefully going to b0rg another of my labs before I leave today....if so, I'll be adding another 35 computers or so that are 2.4 celerons...I think that those labs together would net me a fair number of points over the weekend...
DR_K13 said:
Nice, Did you set them on time-less work units?

No, I didn't set them to timeless - I figured that with the amount of time that they're going to be folding, there really isn't much benefit from going to timeless.
sharp said:
for that lenght of time..
say no to big packets
do configonly if you get a chance so as to reduce tinker likelyhood (then of course start it back up :D )

anybody have other ideas on issuring as much work as possible over that window?


Honestly, my biggest worry is that people will reboot the computers - we have sheriff cards in all of our lab computers, which will reset the computers to their stock install whenever the computer is rebooted. I didn't have the time to wander through, disable the 'cards, install the software, and then reactivate the cards, so any computer that is rebooted will stop folding....that said, it's my school's reading week, so most of the students have gone home, and won't be back 'til monday or so, so I'm hopeful that most of my computers will be folding come monday.