Ivy Bridge had to be made and it's brought good things but....

yeah I just checked out some prices.

K has hardly any premium in the uk its a whopping £4 more than the non K model.

I have a i5 750 but I am finding lots of desktop stuff I do cpu saturated as in they dont max out the entire cpu but they max out 1 core and then slow down. So what I need is higher ghz not more cores. I am not keen on o/c my cpu as I have never been a fan of disabling power saving and upping FSB to o/c. SB attracts me for this very reason the fact people only need to up the turbo multiplier and are able to keep stock voltages etc. and get massive clock speeds.

I have very rarely in the past upgraded one gen but SB is mighty tempting, since my prime reason for upgrading would be the o/c for this reason I probably would go with SB over IB, I am assuming SB is also cheaper although I havent checked IB prices. SB wasnt particurly cheap when I looked 2 days ago.

As far as I know my ram is fine so I would just need to upgrade my board and cpu, and I will probably get a fan as well so dont need to remove the fan of this cpu I got. Tempting but also is money I cant really justify spending sadly :( as then I would have not got much time out of this cpu as I normally do. o what I may do is look on ebay or something and hope I find one of those people who always has to have latest gen so selling his old SB kit.
yeah I just checked out some prices.

K has hardly any premium in the uk its a whopping £4 more than the non K model.

I have a i5 750 but I am finding lots of desktop stuff I do cpu saturated as in they dont max out the entire cpu but they max out 1 core and then slow down. So what I need is higher ghz not more cores. I am not keen on o/c my cpu as I have never been a fan of disabling power saving and upping FSB to o/c. SB attracts me for this very reason the fact people only need to up the turbo multiplier and are able to keep stock voltages etc. and get massive clock speeds.

I have very rarely in the past upgraded one gen but SB is mighty tempting, since my prime reason for upgrading would be the o/c for this reason I probably would go with SB over IB, I am assuming SB is also cheaper although I havent checked IB prices. SB wasnt particurly cheap when I looked 2 days ago.

As far as I know my ram is fine so I would just need to upgrade my board and cpu, and I will probably get a fan as well so dont need to remove the fan of this cpu I got. Tempting but also is money I cant really justify spending sadly :( as then I would have not got much time out of this cpu as I normally do. o what I may do is look on ebay or something and hope I find one of those people who always has to have latest gen so selling his old SB kit.
Remember, clock for clock, the IB is faster than the SB. So if your not going to overclock either one, the IB will be faster (I think 5% to 10%, not sure though) if the processors are the same speed. I believe this is because of the innate efficiencies of a smaller die with the same layout. I dont think the SB has come down in price much, but maybe soon as retailers try to reduce stock. Additionally, IB will save your electricity bill a bit....:cool:
I will only upgrade if I will o/c and I would expect 4.5ghz to make it worthwhile tho so thats the point.
They're not native (built-in to the CPU and North Bridge) with SB. They are with IB. Hell, I can throw a turbo-charger on my car and reap all the benefits, but that doesn't mean it was native from the factory.

Yes they are (the SATA3 ports). Sandy bridge has 2 SATA3 built in ports as does Ivy.
Ivy's definitely not ready for Primetime Overclocking. Tis a great chip for beginners though. Funny, at the same time its a great chip for the Xtreme fellas too.
Yes they are (the SATA3 ports). Sandy bridge has 2 SATA3 built in ports as does Ivy.

And this was already confirmed and clarified for me by others in this thread quite some time ago. Stick, meet dead horse much? :p :)
things not always evolve around xtreme OC.I bought the 3570k and it works like a charm .. i admit i havent OC yet but why should i ? coming from a dual core thats 5 yrs old ...i feel in another dimension right now .
one sidenote , do you ppl realy believe you can OC such a tiny chip as the upcoming haswell is is to 5gh?solder or thermal paste thats not going to happen.My bet is Haswell will perform worse than IB on oc term....and maybe just maybe the days of OC are counted ...and soon be over..why ? not mainstream enough