Jack Thompson sues Facebook for $40M

Hey, Lawyer 101 says, that if you want to make a buck when your low on cash, Sue , thats the American way.:D Don't quote me but I read that the reason that there's 40 million without proper health care is that there are more lawyers then doctors.:rolleyes:
Hey, Lawyer 101 says, that if you want to make a buck when your low on cash, Sue , thats the American way.:D Don't quote me but I read that the reason that there's 40 million without proper health care is that there are more lawyers then doctors.:rolleyes:

Being a lawyer is easy and profitable. Need work? Make some shit up. Create yourself some victims and exploit them to get rich. Then you use your influence to become a politician. Why go through all the hassle of schooling to become a doctor? Then you have to sit around and wait for people to get sick and then deal with the insurance companies after that (lawyers...). Then when you are practicing your skills, you get your ass sued off. Of course theres more lawyers than doctors...
So the guy that hates games and technology has a Facebook.

Logical conclusion #1. Make yourself private on Facebook (you can do this right?)

Just more proof that a law degree doesn't mean you know shit. Its just that you're licensed to practice the task of not knowing shit.

And if he's claiming people shot at his home, then I want to see the police reports with details of bullet ballistics and pictures of the holes in his home. Till then, its just made up crap.

I'm sorry, this guy is 100% verified batshit nuts as far as I'm concerned. He wants to champion a cause to stop video game violence, when you have inner city children beating other children to death with boards and stomping on their heads?

Why not go into the inner city Jack, help those children out, find out what the root cause of their problem is. I bet you'll find its lack of parental control, lack of people to look up to. Its drugs, its gang violence and all of that came well before video games. Maybe you can take some of those kids under your intelligent (albeit barred for ignorance) wing and make a difference in their life?

I mean, you're such a proponent of anti-violent establishment, stop preaching, DO something. Your words don't mean shit when your actions do not follow through accordingly. Suing a 3rd party that you WILLINGLY made your account on, allowing yourself to become a member of that society. You were not forced into making a Facebook, you made it yourself. Time to rethink common sense 101.

tl;dr version: You made your bed, now sleep in it
In the first place, Facebook is protected under the Safe Harbor provision of the DMCA.
Then there is this from Andrew Eisen of gamepolitics.com:

"Thompson sent me his "I'm suing Facebook" press release the other day. I asked if he'd tried simply pressing the Report Group button found at the bottom of every group's page. He responded by calling me a "total moron." So, I found the first offensive group cited in his complaint and hit the Report Group button myself. It was removed in less than 24 hours."

This can be found in post #390 in this thread in the GP forums, along with JT's latest "Immediate News Release".

Can I get a ROFLOLCOPTER here?
In a way.... I feel somewhat bad for him, I agree with an earlier post..... he genuinally believes what he did was right and because of that, we are all in the wrong.
Hes psycho-dilusional. He needs a straight jacket and a padded room, not $40 million. His wife needs to shove the "inappropriate sex toy mail" in his face and his son needs to disown him, change his last name, and move on.

But other than that, he needs mental help, I feel bad for em.

Who the heck shot at his house?

Stiltner, was it you?!?
i sitll want to know who shot at his house? Where did they get there firearm training? I mean, if they were aiming for him, and shot the side of the house..... they must have never played a video game.
In addition to disbarment, wasn't he also banned from filing suits due to the number of frivolous suits he filed? I thought he had to get someone else to file for him, which was part of the reason he kinda disappeared from the spotlight (legal-wise) for about a year before they booted him. (btw, didn't read the link, so I may be setting myself up for bashing here, go easy on me )
Is he really so dense that he doesn't realize the fire would die if he'd just shut the hell up? Instead he keeps tossing shit into it. Very flammable shit.
Does anyone else envision jack thompson freaking out like that wow freakout kid video when facebook wouldn't remove the comments? lol,

The german kid? lol awesome. I hadn't but yeah that fits perfectly.
In addition to disbarment, wasn't he also banned from filing suits due to the number of frivolous suits he filed? I thought he had to get someone else to file for him, which was part of the reason he kinda disappeared from the spotlight (legal-wise) for about a year before they booted him. (btw, didn't read the link, so I may be setting myself up for bashing here, go easy on me )

Jack was banned from submitting any filings unless they were also signed by another Florida Bar member in good standing, which not even his wife (who happens to be a very sucessful lawyer) would do for him. However I believe he is still allowed to file suit in civil court as a private citizen.

BTW a peek into his mind can be found in this post in the thread I posted earlier. JT and Game Politics have a long and bloody history LOL.
Oh man! I think I might have to spend the afternoon playing GTA while listening to NWA.

This fucktard's wiki is as long as your arm, tireless in his stupidity.
Wow. I can't believe he's entirely unaware that to combat people shooting at your house you make your fingers into a gun shape and yell "BANG" while pointing at them.
At this point I am starting to think there is something medically wrong with the guy. Sure he was a source of amusement for years, but at this point his family seriously needs to intervene and get the man help. He has clearly just gone off the deep end at this point.
The german kid? lol awesome. I hadn't but yeah that fits perfectly.

The German kid was playing Unreal. There's another video of some kid playing WoW that went off on a rant about something. I forget what.
At one point JT submitted to a mental exam required by the court. Problem was they let him pick the Dr. himself ! He passed of course, because the Dr. he picked is an old friend/collage buddy who attends the same church as Jack.

After much discussion on GP it was decided Jack suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder - also known as "Big Baby Syndrome."
The German kid was playing Unreal. There's another video of some kid playing WoW that went off on a rant about something. I forget what.

The kid freaking out in his room because he mom cancelled his world of warcraft account? Classic.
Coming Up: Jack Thompson suing [H]ard|OCP

Just wait till Penny-Arcade makes another comic about him, then he can sue them again and call the FBI on them claiming they are funding terriorist.

So the guy can't handle the repercussion of his actions. Dude needs to grow some balls. If you're gonna do something, do it all the way. Even if you have to face a mob, albeit, angry gamers. Haha.. too funny. Surprised he hasn't blame the game industry for the violence the public is showing him..

Nope, never has been able to handle it, never will.

His has been disbarred and probably not hireable in any professional position. Can't help but feel sorry for the guy because he genuinely feels he is right and he is being wronged by society. That is a characteristic of alot of people who have mental illness. I wouldn't put it past him to eventually go postal and go shoot people because no one will take him seriously anymore.

You mean people actually took him seriously once?
My first thought was: who would represent him? It was one thing when he was a member of the bar and could bring actions himself as an attorney. I suppose he could bring an action pro se just like anyone else, but where is the credibility? Thompson + nothing = Thompson.

his wife is also a lawyer yea how some one like him gets married ill never know but yea...:confused:
Being a lawyer is easy and profitable. Need work? Make some shit up. Create yourself some victims and exploit them to get rich. Then you use your influence to become a politician. Why go through all the hassle of schooling to become a doctor? Then you have to sit around and wait for people to get sick and then deal with the insurance companies after that (lawyers...). Then when you are practicing your skills, you get your ass sued off. Of course theres more lawyers than doctors...

You do realize lawyers go to school for seven years and then spend another six months preparing for/taking the bar exam, right? Why go through all the hassle of becoming a doctor, when I could take the easy way out and just go to school for seven and a half years and become a lawyer!
You do realize lawyers go to school for seven years and then spend another six months preparing for/taking the bar exam, right? Why go through all the hassle of becoming a doctor, when I could take the easy way out and just go to school for seven and a half years and become a lawyer!

Yeah but look at the results. All that time to get easy money (lawyer) and be more or less useless to society (or even burdensome to society) or all that time to work your ass off (doctor) to help society and then have to give your money to the lawyers. Society generall deems doctors good and overwhelmingly deems lawyers bad/evil. Lawyers are necessary only because they have convinced others that it is so. Why do we have so many laws? Because lawyers need something to do... Society really only needs a few laws: Don't steal shit, don't rape anyone, and don't kill anyone who hasn't done the previous two.