Jack Thompson: thoughts? discus....

I think that pointing out the flaws and making JT look like a total jackass is not good for his image. Regardless of whether not he is a lawyer I think that pointing out the flaws in his argements as well as his logic is not going to support his anti-game movement at all. If anything it should be our job to try and convince people that the gamng comunity is not a group of violence zombies but real people who don't go out in the street and start hurting people.While I know my previous posts have just really been updates to the situation and the t-shirt thing (hehe) the points that have been presented about responsibilty for violence are detrimental to JT and his ideals. Also making a valid argument against JT only gives him more validity. If his remarks aren't taken seriously then he will eventually fade away out of the spotlight.
anyone got a link to the letter and check posted on PA? i cant find it anywhere
:NVM: *slaps self on forehead* found it

oh yea...jack deserves a good beating <_< i hate people like him
I _was_ half expecting him to pull his wig off on national TV, stop his lawsuits, and say "Don't worry, I'm actually a pretty cool guy" and everyone has a good laugh but it looks like he's serious after all :(
somecallmeTim said:
That's the key - the ratings are fine, but where is the enforcement? There really isnt' any. In WA state they have actively pushed for retailers checking ID, they do at where my wife works (Fred Meyer) and I don't have a problem with it.
My kids can check out R rated movies at the Library... and have gotten ID'd when trying to buy one at the store.

A rating system does no good unless it's enforced. But... What's to stop a 14yo's 21yo cousin from buying a game for them? If he the 21yo buys beer for the 14yo, he can go to jail or be fined big time (varies from state to state), but nothing against them for buying games.

What it really boils down to.. is the parents and how much time they spend with thier kids and how involved they are in thier lives. My entire family went to my big LAN Party this weekend - my wife, my three daughters, and myself. It's gaming and they all know better. We spend time together gaming, we don't just hand them a game or money and head out the door, we're all in this together... probably different than the "norm".

Yes, some games are violent, the postal and GTA series are violent, and I don't particularly care for them and none of them are in my house for that reason. And yet we play UT... go figure... But if someone plays GTA, I'm not going to stop them as most of time the are "playing" and not getting into the game as if it's real... more along the lines of how absurd they can get in the game.

My name is Tim, and I'm a Gamer....


I want in on your family! :eek: