January Video Game Sales Down 13 Percent

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Video game sales are down by thirteen percent in January. Hardware sales took a 12% hit compared to last year as well. Nintendo sold almost 466,000 Wii, Microsoft sold almost 333,000 Xbox 360 and Sony sold about 277,000 units.

Peter Dille, senior vice president at Sony, said there has been a lot of pent-up demand for the PlayStation 3 and he expects supplies to be tight "for another month or two." Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime also pointed to supply constraints for the Wii, saying the company's "biggest challenge on the Wii side continues to be meeting demand." Xbox spokesman David Dennis said the company was having no supply-demand issues.
It seemed like to me that one year ago there were many more big titles coming out than now. Anyways, did any good games come out in January this year? Maybe that is the sole reason behind the lower sales.
I still think Nintendo is shipping its shit to Europe because of the stronger currency value. I doubt they have supply line constraints.

I bought Borderlands this year. That is it. I dont have enough time to play every game that pops onto my radar so I have to be choosy.

Why would I plop $60 down for a title I don't have enough time to play?
I still think Nintendo is shipping its shit to Europe because of the stronger currency value. I doubt they have supply line constraints.

I bought Borderlands this year. That is it. I dont have enough time to play every game that pops onto my radar so I have to be choosy.

Why would I plop $60 down for a title I don't have enough time to play?

Has anyone made a study linking game sales by estimated play time? Dragon Age takes 80+ hours for a single walkthrough and has a great deal of replayability. Games like L4D2 and Borderlands with a multiplayer component have infinite replayability and would definitely cut into sales of alternate titles.
Everyone was still probably engrossed in the games/toys they got for xmas.
Seriously, what good came out in January anyway? Most of the good shit is coming out in Feb/Mar.