Japan Plans $2B Robot Moon Base by 2020

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Japan has announced plans for a moon base for robots by 2020. As much as I want to make jokes, this actually sounds pretty cool.

A Japanese government panel has produced a draft paper outlining how humanoid rover robots will begin surveying the moon by 2015, according to a report by the prime minister's office. As part of the $2.2 billion project, the droids will begin construction of an unmanned base near the south pole of the moon that will be powered by solar panels.
is it me or this doesnt seem so far fetched at all :)

not really at all. if it were a manned base i'd be skeptical but even with today's technology a robotic base would be feisable if not difficult....10 years from now why not??
Humanoid as in walking robots? They would have to be made to accommodate for less gravity. Going to be pretty cool.

What about the Alien bases on the Moon? :D
A penal colony for all those pesky robots that keep trying to take over the world.
I'm so confused. Japan can do all this for USD $2.2 billion; however for the US to send 1,200 troops to the Mexico borders costs USD $500 million?

I'm so confused. Japan can do all this for USD $2.2 billion; however for the US to send 1,200 troops to the Mexico borders costs USD $500 million?


Yeah, money doesn't add up right when it comes to gov spending. Japan will probably spend more. The the U.S. probably pays $50 for a government issued toilet paper roll. :p
scares da hell out of me that its not a joint effort
chances of them turning it into a starwars deathstar
I'm so confused. Japan can do all this for USD $2.2 billion; however for the US to send 1,200 troops to the Mexico borders costs USD $500 million?


Robots dont get paychecks and health care and retirement and uniforms and cars and offices and telephones and when you are done with them you just ignore them, oh wait well that part is the same.

Someone correct me if wrong, I thought we pretty much decided there is nothing on the moon worth anything other than it is where it is and even as a stepping stone to mars etc. why would you want to have to overcome two gravity wells even if the moons gravity is weak. Just build in low earth orbit and go.

Maybe its really Sonys play station premium service ? You get to play robot wars on the moon with real robots ?
drafting a paper pretty much costs nothing. actually doing anything like this will cost a hell of a lot more than 2.2 billion dollars. You can probably multiply that number by 100 or more.
Someone correct me if wrong, I thought we pretty much decided there is nothing on the moon worth anything other than it is where it is and even as a stepping stone to mars etc. why would you want to have to overcome two gravity wells even if the moons gravity is weak. Just build in low earth orbit and go.
The moon is relatively rich in Helium-3, which could be important for nuclear fusion. It also has water.

And mountains of cheese:
I always knew Skynet would originate on the moon.
That must be nice to be able to budget for things like this instead of REDUCING your space program like the us...
This is the first step to produce "Genetic on Universal Neutrally Different Alloy"nium
They'll have a giant dome which simulates a earthly environment. A giant hose/pipeline will connect to the earth for water.
domo arigato mister roboto.

Can I have my moon base now, I bet less gravity will make humans live longer.
so THAT'S where the robots came from.
i always suspected them to be too low-tech for the UR-QUAN
If it's going to be run entirely by robots, then there will be robots fixing robots and possibly even robots building robots. This sounding familiar to anyone else?
If it's going to be run entirely by robots, then there will be robots fixing robots and possibly even robots building robots. This sounding familiar to anyone else?

safest place to have a robot colony, if they get out of hand we just bomb the moon, I mean Russia has been begging to bomb the moon since forever.

It will be interesting to see the purpose of the moon base, aside from evil.