Japanese Man Marries a Hologram


Mar 3, 2018
35 year old Akihiko Kondo is now the proud husband of "Miku", who is "an animated 16-year-old with saucer eyes and lengthy aquamarine pigtails." In addition to a holographic representation generated by a "$2800 desktop device," Mr. Kondo appears to have a plushie and a body pillow that stand in as avatars for his new wife. The marriage doesn't have any legal standing in Japan, but that didn't stop him from spending $17,600 on a formal wedding ceremony, buying a ring, or calling her when he comes home.

"Miku-san is the woman I love a lot and also the one who saved me," he said. And while Kondo says he is happy to be friends with a "3D woman", he has no interest in romance with one, no matter how much his mother pushes for it. Two-dimensional characters can't cheat, age or die, he points out.
Didn't Japan have the worlds second largest GDP in the 80 and 90's? Now in 20 years all that will be left is a bunch of single elderly folk being taken care of by robotic anime pillows. I swear it will be like the Zoo's trying to get Pandas to mate...
I guess this is a healthier reaction than the "incel" thing; guy isn't hurting anyone at all. Kind of reminds me of that movie where the guy loves his AI assistant; I'm betting this behavior pattern becomes more common as these systems enter the mainstream and move further towards fluent machine/human interaction.
And JP thought their negative population growth was because of school and work pressures. Nope! They have a problem with men being a bunch of pussies.

I read something earlier this year about how in Japan pr0n, that there wasn't enough male talent, like less than 50 in the whole country. Dong sizes are irrelevant over there, so that's even more baffling
i guess noone read its a 16yr old animated girl.
the bigger issue is that this is a definate pedophile restraining himself from doing the actual deed by beating off to a hologram little girl.. much like, im sure alot of grown men who havent actually GROWN are doing these days with manga and anime porn.
i dont care what you say "hes not hurting anyone its none of my business etc etc", not until he actually does the action of raping a little girl in real life..
these are pedophiles that need reprogramming or wiped off this earth.
His passport is gonna be fucked up.

I'm trying to imagine what would happen if he wound up in an American prison and the court mandated a conjugal visit.

P.S. Japan is on the cutting edge of weird. I'd like to think that America leads the way in societal weirdness, but too many of our greatest nutters become dysfunctional.
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His passport is gonna be fucked up.

I'm trying to imagine what would happen if he wound up in an American prison and the court mandated a conjugal visit.

Well, it does state that it wasn't a legal marriage...
Japan's really broken socially. When I visited there on a vacation, during a a museum tour, our guide was a little old lady. She was trying to learn english and my sister and I were trying to learn Japanese. During our conversations, my sister wanted to buy a kimono. The old lady gave my sister 5 of them 3 + 2 summer yukata outfits. Her reasoning: her son will NEVER get married or have kids so she had no one to pass these on to. Her only request to my sister was that she find someone and have lots of kids.On our kimono hunt, we found prices into the 1k usd range for a real kimono to fit her.

It was a surreal experience, but it underscored the problems of the society: lots of work pressure (you are easily replaceable for someone willing to work a lower wage), no emphasis on teaching proper relationship skills, sex is taboo subject hence hentai and weird fetishes run rampant and women are not equal but are objectified far worse (maid cafes?). Its just a short list, but somethings that stand out amid the tons of social problems they have. I mean, "train delays due to unknown" reasons which are really suicides seemed to be a common thing. In 2 weeks I saw 10 of them on the various lines we traveled. The reason: every other delay with a cause was listed in detail EXCEPT the suicide by train delays.

Not saying we're perfect around here, every society has problems, just these are a sample of one culture's problems.
Most of Japan's social problems are related to absolutely awful income of the younger working generation (20'~30's).
They have no money for domestic vacations, let alone money for children.
WTH is wrong with these people!

Did the radiation totally screw up the male species in Japan? You don't read about Female Japanese marrying Halo 16 year old males.
Japan's really broken socially. When I visited there on a vacation, during a a museum tour, our guide was a little old lady. She was trying to learn english and my sister and I were trying to learn Japanese. During our conversations, my sister wanted to buy a kimono. The old lady gave my sister 5 of them 3 + 2 summer yukata outfits. Her reasoning: her son will NEVER get married or have kids so she had no one to pass these on to. Her only request to my sister was that she find someone and have lots of kids.On our kimono hunt, we found prices into the 1k usd range for a real kimono to fit her.

It was a surreal experience, but it underscored the problems of the society: lots of work pressure (you are easily replaceable for someone willing to work a lower wage), no emphasis on teaching proper relationship skills, sex is taboo subject hence hentai and weird fetishes run rampant and women are not equal but are objectified far worse (maid cafes?). Its just a short list, but somethings that stand out amid the tons of social problems they have. I mean, "train delays due to unknown" reasons which are really suicides seemed to be a common thing. In 2 weeks I saw 10 of them on the various lines we traveled. The reason: every other delay with a cause was listed in detail EXCEPT the suicide by train delays.

Not saying we're perfect around here, every society has problems, just these are a sample of one culture's problems.

It's just a different kind of broken than in the US. They have tons of weird shit, and we have incel's, MGTOW, rampant shootings, and antifa loons who clearly have no clue what fascism actually is.

Life imitating art...?
WTH is wrong with these people!

You don't read about Female Japanese marrying Halo 16 year old males.

True, but you can read about Korean females never wanting kids and saying shit like this:

When I put it to her that if she and her contemporaries don't have children her country's culture will die, she tells me that it's time for the male-dominated culture to go.

"Must die," she says, breaking into English. "Must die!"

Article here: https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-45201725

Cultures and societies are breaking the world over.
Now you can have one of these holograms as well!

Only $2800 and Japanese for the supported language. :eek:

From the article:
Two-dimensional characters can't cheat, age or die, he points out.
The anime Chobits from the early 2000s actually went into detail on these exact subjects.
Assuming these devices, which are just general purpose computer systems (no exotic hardware aside from the hologram projector itself), never get hacked/cracked, they will eventually lose software (and back-end AI) support, and the hardware will eventually wear out and fail, like any electronic/computer equipment.

So yes, these things absolutely do have a lifespan, both in the software and hardware fronts.
No one listens to me about the dark cyberpunk future soon approaching... :borg:

Oh wait, what am I saying?
Cheers!!! :D

this is a definate pedophile
if he was 18 would that make a difference? you sound jealous almost at his self-confidence... are you secretly pedo?
You don't read about Female Japanese marrying Halo 16 year old males.
plenty of mature ladies in US have sex with "under age" boys, probably a ton more fantasize about milking little willy
so... exactly how does one copulate with a hologram?

edit: 16 year old? that guy needs help in more ways than one....

Looked it up and it is legal for a female to marry in japan at 16, male has to be at least 18 though.

The anime is a popular 'singer' in japan as well. Kind of like a virtual miley cyrus

edit: didnt want to spend too much time looking, rather not get our admins attention haha
At least she have a dashcam, so she cant be all that lost.
On a second note i have visited Japan ( too ) and it is indeed a weird and wonderful place, a place i would love to visit again and this time for a little longer.
My own country and Japan have much in common in our ancient culture, and i have great respect for the ways of old Japan which are sadly going away.
..... hologram aside.....

it's not even hard ai..... it's just a scripted response ..... of lines of code.... that is not a self aware entity.... i feel that this guy needs a therapist to help with his loneliness issues.... it's sad to watch to see how someone can self delude themselves just to get out of feeling alone, or to feel some compassion in their lives. it's rather unfortunate.

and in recent news, saudi gave citizenship to some robot... another misguided action (i'll repeat, it's not hard ai, and it's not a sentient being....) >->; how are they not embarrassed about this i wonder.

-.-; *shakes head.....
This whole ordeal is weird.

If things are as bad as you guys say, in Japan, sounds like a good time for a motivated American to go over there and be social.

They used to say go west for whiskey, women and gold. Maybe now you have to go....east.
This whole ordeal is weird.

If things are as bad as you guys say, in Japan, sounds like a good time for a motivated American to go over there and be social.

They used to say go west for whiskey, women and gold. Maybe now you have to go....east.

Japan and Korea also have this love/hate relationship with Americans, btw.
What with having military bases there, which keep China in check, but at the same time being highly obtrusive to daily lives of locals.
Japan and Korea also have this love/hate relationship with Americans, btw.
What with having military bases there, which keep China in check, but at the same time being highly obtrusive to daily lives of locals.

Oh, there's that at a society level, sure.

Just like any group, at an individual level things are a bit different. All im saying is that in an under-served population, there's opportunity...if that's your thing.

Just recognizing an adventure for young men, is all. Of course, who knows? These days maybe all the adventure young people are looking for is a WoW event. Blah. Their loss.
And news reports wonder why Japan has falling birth rates :rolleyes:
I didn't think anyone wondered about this.
Nearly the world over, as a society advances financially and the quality of life improves the reproduction rate drops.

I have no love for Catholicism or the Pope but John Paul Part 2 called it right.
Across the globe, only middle income (barely) and lower demographics beat out the replacement rate. I don't think any 'western countries' or advanced Eastern nations beat out the replacement rate. It's mostly poor African and Middle-Eastern nations who beat out the replacement rate by significant percentages.
Arguably, many of those who should be having more kids aren't and many of those who shouldn't...are.
Eh not surprising... google the term Hikikomori

It's a term for a whole sub culture of people that due to a few possible reasons just give up socially. Most of them are middle age males that still live at home with family. They basically just sit at home all day doing... nothing but playing online, or getting lost in that world of hentai or other weird shit. The guy in the original article here sounds like their poster child.

This whole ordeal is weird.

If things are as bad as you guys say, in Japan, sounds like a good time for a motivated American to go over there and be social.

They used to say go west for whiskey, women and gold. Maybe now you have to go....east.

As a 6'1 "big american" I always though it would be fun to go to Japan... odds are though going over there and simply being social wouldn't be some magic ticket to marry a Japanese girl. More likely they'd just see me as some foreign devil lol. This probably also dashes my hopes of becoming some kind of rock star in the Japanese porno industry.
I didn't think anyone wondered about this.
Nearly the world over, as a society advances financially and the quality of life improves the reproduction rate drops.

I have no love for Catholicism or the Pope but John Paul Part 2 called it right.
Across the globe, only middle income (barely) and lower demographics beat out the replacement rate. I don't think any 'western countries' or advanced Eastern nations beat out the replacement rate. It's mostly poor African and Middle-Eastern nations who beat out the replacement rate by significant percentages.
Arguably, many of those who should be having more kids aren't and many of those who shouldn't...are.

36 year old single/successful guy here - zero kids, and will never have them. Got the ole' snip snip done last year because it's something I wanted.
Japan and Korea also have this love/hate relationship with Americans, btw.
What with having military bases there, which keep China in check, but at the same time being highly obtrusive to daily lives of locals.
Keep China in check?
You mean like...preventing them from claiming rocks in the sea as Chinese territory and building islands and military infrastructure on them and claiming all natural resources?
I guess we've been asleep at the wheel.
I am 52 and to be honest i would prefer a girl in the mid - late 20ties, if that make me a kinky old bastard so be it.
And to be even more honest my brain still think it is in the mid 20ties, though some times my aching bones and joints do make it think otherwise, but just for a few minutes then it revert back to its "normal " age.
But i will have to pass on a boot-able or inflatable girlfriend :ROFLMAO:

I miss the adrenaline / dopamine rushes of stunting my quad bike 8 years ago, gotta win me some lotto money and get a house & motorcycle this time and get stunting,,,,,, i bet most +50 YO people don't think like that.

EDIT: with my 6 foot 3 i had no problems seeing out ahead on the busy Japanese streets.

Funny: i don't like to be around 50 or more Danes, but in any other country i have no issue at all being within stone throw distance of a million people.
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Eh not surprising... google the term Hikikomori

It's a term for a whole sub culture of people that due to a few possible reasons just give up socially. Most of them are middle age males that still live at home with family. They basically just sit at home all day doing... nothing but playing online, or getting lost in that world of hentai or other weird shit. The guy in the original article here sounds like their poster child.

As a 6'1 "big american" I always though it would be fun to go to Japan... odds are though going over there and simply being social wouldn't be some magic ticket to marry a Japanese girl. More likely they'd just see me as some foreign devil lol. This probably also dashes my hopes of becoming some kind of rock star in the Japanese porno industry.

I suspect you'd be tall. I'm only 5'11. Never the less, it's all the usual suspects - be kind, confident, and successful...and take her dancing.

That's a win.

People aren't social these days. Ironically, "social" media did a good job fucking that up for a generation. When I was young, we were busy chatting up the ladies. These days, you put a 20-year-old in a perfect setup and he doesn't even know how to make small talk.

The world changed. Shifted, I guess. I probably got the memo and discarded it.