JBQ Technical Lead, AOSP maintainer - Quits


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
Well this is pretty big news for us AOSP fans, and the open nature of the Android OS and ROM's


Today is a sad day for Android, folks.

Technical Lead, Android Open Source Project maintainer, and revered Android personality at Google, Jean Baptiste Queru, has announced he is leaving the AOSP (Android Open Source Project) at Google. And JBQ wasn’t just a mere employee at Android / Google, but really went the extra mile to help independent developers and keep things ‘open.’ As you’ll see from the quote below, JBQ was well known for his keenness to help developers

The reason is simple – lawyers, IP, and the desire to keep things closed. Among the actors involved is Qualcomm. While JBQ isn’t allowed to comment on such matters because he is, for all intents and purposes, on the legal hook – the writing is on the wall.

And so, here we are today. We’ve lost arguably one of the largest proponents and champions of Android and open source because of the way lawyers and big business work. A sad day for Android, and a sad day for open source.
This pretty much changes the definition of a Nexus device. Without the fall back of factory images or binaries straight from Google, writing custom ROMs for these phones will be just as difficult as it is for Samsung phones or any other phone with an unlocked bootloader but no OEM support.

Now, you still get the benefit of a vanilla stock ROM and updates straight from Google, but that's about it.

Makes Moto's new phones more enticing IMO
Evidently Qualcomm does not want to release their video drivers.
very sad... lets hope this doesnt portend the end of the nexus devices as somewhat open

I think it only ends Qualcomm as part of Nexus devices in the future at this rate.

Honestly I hope Nvidia picks up the pace and makes Tegra something worth using because I'm sick of carriers pimping their hardware, understanding what the device is, and then backing out and putting their head in the sand.
Since the LG Nexus-Five is based off the G2, it will be running the Qualcomm Snapdragon 800

Actaully every high end Android phone this year uses a Qualcomm chipset.
Rein in the rumors big guy, you're stating them as facts again.

LOL ;)

I will be shocked if the spec's and manufacture are not spot on, come this Oct. / Nov.

Almost any nexus-Five rumors the past few months all point to it being made by LG, and sharing similar hardware to the new G2. I have yet to read anything else pointing to a different company or different phone it will be based off.

But hey, Google could be fooling us, and really have a trump up it's sleeve, and maybe have Asus with the Tegra 4 be the new Nexus-Five
Hey, I would be shocked if they didn't make an Avengers 3 movie, but until it's stated as fact, you HAVE to keep referring to it as a rumor.
Hey, I would be shocked if they didn't make an Avengers 3 movie, but until it's stated as fact, you HAVE to keep referring to it as a rumor.

True. What do I know ? Nothing. Just the million tech sites, and hardware forums I read everyday, and try to get my info on new smartphones.

So now it seems the rumors are the Nexus-Five will most likely be, either a Motorola device or LG ?

Oh well, to be honest, I am more looking forward to the Note 3, as long as it has amazing battery life or better than the already awesome battery champ the Note 2.
True. What do I know ? Nothing. Just the million tech sites, and hardware forums I read everyday, and try to get my info on new smartphones.

Hey, I agree with you there. Again, you read up on a lot of the sites, this much is obvious. So do I. The thing is, these sites are reporting everything as RUMORS. "It is expected..." "We suppose..." "One could imagine..." "I wouldn't be surprised if..." are ways of covering their ass, because it's speculation.

The SECOND you say "This is going to happen, and when Phone XYZ is released by Company ABC, blah blah blah" and you don't have actual proof? (Press releases, on record interviews with company higher-ups, etc) That's when you're stepping in the deep stuff. THAT is where you're hurting yourself, because you're stating rumors as fact.

Since all signs point to the LG Nexus-Five being based off the G2, it will most likely be running the Qualcomm Snapdragon 800

Fixed it for you, and nobody would ever say a damn thing about it. See the difference?