Jericho out for Gametap gold members (56k Warning)


Nov 30, 2004
After playing the demo, I'm exited to get the full version up and running.

I canceled my sub a few months ago, and it was a pain in the ass to do so (required to cancel over the phone with pushy spokesperson), but I'm gonna jump back in to start playing this. It also mentioned at the bottom of the email I got that you can now "Cancel online, anytime, no strings attached," so once the money in my account starts to dry up again, and I have to cancel, it should be easier. Downloading at home from work, so I can get started once I get home :D

Also can't wait for American McGee's Grimm once it comes out (the main reason I signed up for Gametap in the first place. Exclusives suck)
Wow I didn't know this game was supposed to be out already. Anyone played it at all yet? How is it? Might look into playing it.
Wow I didn't know this game was supposed to be out already. Anyone played it at all yet? How is it? Might look into playing it.

PC demo screamed consolitis. Felt designed for the 360. I'm waiting for the reviews, but will probably get it for 360.
Well, I took some screens, so here they are. Not really different from the demo, but good stuff none the less. I'm playing with an Xbox360 controller, so hate me all you want, but it's working ok so far.

Note, photobucket scaled these down from 1680x1050













And here I am dying because my teammates are too busy doing important stuff

I played the demo for the 360 version and quit before I even finished it. Couldn't stand any part of it, visuals/controls etc.
I don't like how all the guns are HK. Those are among my least favorite guns in real life.

I wonder how much HK had to pay for that...
The Demo was terrible. Played about 3 minutes then chucked it.

I wouldnt waste my time. Just really poor gameplay, IMO
I played the demo for the 360 version and quit before I even finished it. Couldn't stand any part of it, visuals/controls etc.

What about the visuals didn't you like? I personally think they look great. I especially like the blood spatter on the camera when injured and while close and shooting an enemy. As far as the controls go, I'm playing with the Xbox360 pad as well, and I imagine the controls are set up in the same fashion. The controls feel alright IMO.

The Demo was terrible. Played about 3 minutes then chucked it.

I wouldnt waste my time. Just really poor gameplay, IMO

One of the reasons I was looking forward to this was after playing the demo, I enjoyed the fact that you have the option of switching between characters with different abilities, and in some cases, are forced to change. I think it keeps the gameplay from getting stagnant, which happens a lot in FPS.
I dislike how the demo drops you in at like the halfway point in the game and summarizes everything that happend up until that point.

I played the PS3 demo, and it looked and played really well. I was really impressed by the graphics. Any day i'd prefer a PC FPS over a console one, but I played the PC version as well, and it just screamed console. Idk... it just had that feel. So I think i'll pick this up for PS3.
What about the visuals didn't you like? I personally think they look great. I especially like the blood spatter on the camera when injured and while close and shooting an enemy. As far as the controls go, I'm playing with the Xbox360 pad as well, and I imagine the controls are set up in the same fashion. The controls feel alright IMO.

One of the reasons I was looking forward to this was after playing the demo, I enjoyed the fact that you have the option of switching between characters with different abilities, and in some cases, are forced to change. I think it keeps the gameplay from getting stagnant, which happens a lot in FPS.

No problems with that, I just thought it didnt have anything special......the characters look plastic, their movements are stiff, the enemies are dumber than dumb,the textures are disjointed (like Doom3 on acid) and the path is very linear. Switching characters was ok, but is really the only feature this game has over any other.
I mean,Painkiller was more cerebral than this game.
I'm not in any way knocking your assessment, everybody has different likes and dislikes. I like HL2 and some people dont.
so far i'm liking this game ( got the full version btw )

graphics are really nice (especially the characters)
and the voice acting and sounds are cool

only thing that is bugging is me is that enemy ai is simply run up to you and attack, and the game is 100% linear

and sometimes you will not notice that a monster spawned right behind you and killed you but hey, whatever

other than that the game is quite a bit of fun but i heard it was short (about 10 hours)
I got this one today on the PC after playing the ps3 demo (which was bloody good) Ive decided to play this one with a 360 controller as people say above it plays like a console game, great so far, cant change team mates yet so im not far in! Runs like butter which is nice, althought where the heck did the vista 6.0 reccomended game rating come from???! i didnt know it could go above 5.9? Maybe my hardware is shite already!!!?
I got this one today on the PC after playing the ps3 demo (which was bloody good) Ive decided to play this one with a 360 controller as people say above it plays like a console game, great so far, cant change team mates yet so im not far in! Runs like butter which is nice, althought where the heck did the vista 6.0 reccomended game rating come from???! i didnt know it could go above 5.9? Maybe my hardware is shite already!!!?

Ya know, I just realized that I've got a wired 360 controller, so that may be the way to go. :)
I have it for PC and think it is pretty bad. They definitely had consoles in mind and that can be felt throughout the whole game.

The graphics are average and seem to be on par for every console/PC release (bland). The physics are horrible and things go flying when touched, not to mention you walk right through these objects. Lame/generic story/dialog with an over use of swearing.

In the end, it feels like a <$25 game imo.
People are waaaay too liberal when rating games they happen to like. I have never seen a 10. That would be flawless.
As far as "Jericho" goes right now I'd give it a 7 myself. That may lower if the game ends poorly or gets weak towards the close.
I see it as a slightly above average game. It is fun, I am enjoying it, and I'm glad I got it.

I like the story, the grit, the gore, the bizarre characters and changing between them to use their abilities when I feel like using
another style, or it's essential to the situation at hand. I don't mind the occasional button mashing sequences. They didn't go crazy
with them so they add flavor. I like when you use them to escape from the grasp of creatures and beat the snot out of them in the process.
It feels good to actively and progressively beat the crap out of something that grabs hold of you with evil intent.

I can't think of a single game I've ever played that rates a 9. I'd give a few 8.5s though.

Games, like music and movies are art, so I am not surprised honest reviews vary in their rating because it
depends on the taste of the person consuming the work.

I could understand someone that didn't care for FPS, gore, or the odd characters not liking the game. If I were
more indifferent to the dark elements in the game I'd probably rate it a 6 or 6.5, and since it suits my tastes well
it gets bumped to a 7.

From me a 5 rating means dead on average, not bad not good, passable. Terrible, or keep your money would be 3 and below.

I am having more fun with this game than I have with in the past with many heavily hyped titles.

Well, the game reminds me of Doom 3, without the great graphics.

Too dark.
Enemy spawning anywhere.


weak weak guns.
weak gun sounds.

very repetitive scenery...

very disapointed...
Well, the game reminds me of Doom 3, without the great graphics.

o rly?

I think you need to get your eyes check. While you might hate the game, that's one area it at least beats Doom 3. We're talking about an Unreal 3 engine game
o rly?

I think you need to get your eyes check. While you might hate the game, that's one area it at least beats Doom 3. We're talking about an Unreal 3 engine game

I'm with him: IT doesn't really show it, honestly, most of the time.