Jetway A210GDMS-Pro Temps?


Limp Gawd
Jul 29, 2005
Hey, I just got one of these boards in my Aspire X-QPack with a Zalman 7000 AlCu LED heatsink. I put arctic silver 5 on it and the Zalman fan is running at full speed 24/7. My problem is that the temps seem a bit high. Around 43 Idle and 53 under load. This is all running at stock, I had it up to 240FSB/2.64ish ghz but the temperatures started to scare me, it was prime 95 stable (I only ran it for 20min ish) but the temps were hitting 58ish. This was all at default voltages, i believe that's 1.4v vcore. Anyway, I put the AS5 on about 3 days ago, I know it has to go through a burn in process, but don't these temps still seem quite high? I suppose I could reapply the AS5, at the time I did it I tried to get the size of a BB in the center of the die of the CPU, but I squeezed out a bit too much so I ended up putting out a bit more. Would that affect the temperatures negatively? Anyway, any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!
Hmmm interesting read, but is there any conclusive info on if the Jetway mobo really reads temps too high or anything? =/
Yea I am having temp problems too. Stock cooling but stock speeds. I am having alot of trouble with my NB overheating while playing games using integrated graphics.

Can anybody tell me how to take off the heatsink on the NB?

I bought a coolermaster chipset HSF to see if that helps, but i cant get the original off.

My temps are CPU 50C and NB 50C idle
Pinch the bottom clasps together and push them through the holes. Then carefully twist/pull the sink off. It has one of those stupid thermal pads and the new ones are irritatingly sticky/more useless.

Ya the northbridge cooler on the Jetway really does suck. Don't use integrated graphics and problem solved! Not sure if that Coolermaster one will be enough to help.
i removed mine by pinching the plastic on backside of motherboard and carefully pushing it back through. the northbridge had heatsink greases applied to mine and alot of it . i did find that the heatsink itself was badly concaved so did alot of sanding to fix this problem. i also attached a fan to top of heatsink this dropped temps to 34c on mine. also note i have room temps of 80 to 90 F


Ok I was afraid of that. Getting this mobo screwed onto the removable mobo tray was such a pain. I know this sounds like a bad idea but you think i could just use stick the new heatsink i got on of the stock one, using the adhesive thermal pad it came with?

Also any good cpu coolers that would fit the chenming and use the standard 939 cpu bracket or wutever
Jen said:
i removed mine by pinching the plastic on backside of motherboard and carefully pushing it back through. the northbridge had heatsink greases applied to mine and alot of it . i did find that the heatsink itself was badly concaved so did alot of sanding to fix this problem. i also attached a fan to top of heatsink this dropped temps to 34c on mine. also note i have room temps of 80 to 90 F



offtopic I know, but how on earth do you sleep at night with your room so hot!?

ontopic...I have a hsf on the way to replace the stock NBcooler.
Tiny said:
offtopic I know, but how on earth do you sleep at night with your room so hot!?

ontopic...I have a hsf on the way to replace the stock NBcooler.

offtopic reply
its difficult to sleep with heat as it has been , only relief is in mornings when it does cool down some


i would suggest placeing a fan on northbridge heatsink , it will be better than it is now.

niranjan162 said:
ok i bought a COOLER MASTER SLC-S41-U1 BLUE ICE CHIPSET COOLER. Can i just take the unscrew the fan from this heatsink and screw it into the stock one?

for myself i had to drill the heatsink fan mounting holes bigger so that i could use #10 pan head phillips sheetmetal screws. this was only diamater i could find that would work with the heatsink.

Picture of Fan . even at this the fan doesnt fit perfectly on the heatsink. you should use some washers to make up difference in hieght

Hey sorry about posting so much, but this is driving me crazy. I had a 40 mm fan and i placed it on (screws were to small to hold) the stock heatsink of the NB and it lowered my temps by about 3 degress to 46C idle, but if i go into a game this thing still goes past 55C and 46 is still not good from what i see of other people.

this is really driving me crazy any suggestions are really welcomed

That one you bought simply sticks on with the thermal pad.

Why didn't you remove the stock one and replace it with the one you bought. The stock one is NOT designed to be used with a fan....meaning it does not have a good design to allow a fan to help it cool.

Is your motherboard still in the that why you don't remove the stock one?

I took mine off and added AS5, but that is only temporary because I have an active NB cooler on the way to me next week.
well i really didnt wanna have to take the motherboard off the motherboard tray, it was damn hard to get on. Also ive heard that the thermal pad is crap and usually just falls off. The fan helped a little but only about 3-4 to 45C degrees idle! and its quick to overheat.

I saw the link of the cooler u ordered, that thing is a monster! What case you putting that in?

I also ordered some AS5 but svc messed up my order. Also the heatsink i got has no mounting brackets

Whats a good heatsink that would fit my northbridge in my chenming 118 case?
I was hoping i would get away with stock for a little bit but i guess not :(
I decided to watch my NB temps on bootup to see if mine were that high as well.

With the mobo in the open air (out of the case) with a fan blowing across the it, my NB temps (while sitting at the BIOS screen) climed from a starting point of 35C to 49C. Not good at all. That is in an open air enviroment with a 120mm fan blowing across the top of the board and AS5 replacing the goop that came stock.

So active cooling kind of becomes a must. I have the big NB Coolermaster HSF coming, but I don't know if it will fit with my CPU HSF. I'll have to wait and see when it gets here.

I don't have mine in a case right now, cause I am in the final planning stages of a custom case that I will be building.

Other people have had a heck of a lot more expierence with active NB coolers than I have. (this will be my first active NB cooler)

I am out of ideas. As soon as I get my NB cooler, I will take pics of it on the Jetway.
FWIW, the BIOS temps on the A210GDMS-Pro are not even CLOSE to accurate.

On my X2 CPU running at 2.5ghz with 1.45v to the core, the BIOS reports 70C under load!

At the same time, the thermal probe I have between the HSF and the CPU's IHS reports only 51C! (As to 'between' - it's a Zalman you know what I mean. On the corners of the IHS, the HSF is risen above it so as not to quite make contact. Stuck the thermal probe in their covered with silicone-based thermal goop.)

That temperature difference (I mean, 20C, c'mon!) was driving me nuts, as I didn't know which source to believe.

Finally, I went out and bought on of those laser thermal guns. Shooting it all over the IHS from every angle I could conceive of - very close and far away and everything in between - could not at ANY point produce a temperature even 1C difference from the thermal probe's reported temp.

Now, granted, I could only shoot the edge of the IHS. And I'm sure the edge of the IHS is cooler than the CENTER of it....but sure as hell not by 20C!!.

So, there ya go. CPU's ACTUAL temps are 38C idle -> 51C load at 2.5ghz/1.45v, while the BIOS is reporting 50C idle -> 70C load.

The BIOS temps on the A210GDMS-Pro are not even CLOSE to accurate. Completely ignore them for your own sanity.
Whew, that's really good to know. Thanks for letting us know, my temps make a lot more sense now... if it's -20ish atleast ^_^
I dont know about the CPU but i think the northbridge temps are pretty close. The reason i say that is when i start playing games i dont play full screen and i keep myguard in a spot where i can see it. I watch the temps rise into the 55+ range (55 is the max according the program), and the video starts to distort and eventually crashes.

So maybe the CPU temps are off, but the NB temps have to be close.

Tiny can you keep us updated with ur NB cooling cuz it that works out and does a good job while fitting, I'll probably get myself one of those.