Joined the Wii crowd. Noob question about remote sensitivity


Aug 17, 2004
The cursor jumps constantly when i am navigating the menu. It also seems very unresponsive in the sports games. Boxing only punches once for every 3 or 4 punches thrown. Baseball will swing the bat at even the slightest wrist movement. And Bowling is either a super hard shot, or a super slow one. I went into the menu to mess with the sensitivity levels. It says to increase or decrease the power till there are only two blinking dots. There are only two blinking dots all the way from the #2 setting till the #5 setting. Regardless of the setting, none of the problems go away.

So i guess my question is, is this to be expected, or is there something wrong with my console? Maybe i am expecting too much? I've never really heard sensitivity or unresponsiveness of the wiimote being a major criticism of the wii, so i'm thinking mine has a problem?

The cursor jumps constantly when i am navigating the menu. It also seems very unresponsive in the sports games. Boxing only punches once for every 3 or 4 punches thrown. Baseball will swing the bat at even the slightest wrist movement. And Bowling is either a super hard shot, or a super slow one. I went into the menu to mess with the sensitivity levels. It says to increase or decrease the power till there are only two blinking dots. There are only two blinking dots all the way from the #2 setting till the #5 setting. Regardless of the setting, none of the problems go away.

So i guess my question is, is this to be expected, or is there something wrong with my console? Maybe i am expecting too much? I've never really heard sensitivity or unresponsiveness of the wiimote being a major criticism of the wii, so i'm thinking mine has a problem?


take the sensor bar off the little stand, I had this problem, there must be a slight vibration on my tv stand or something that it picks up, removed the stand and now its fine.
How far away from the sensor bar are you located? My couch is about 9 feet away and it seems to be right on the borderline. Sometimes the cursor shakes, sometimes it's rock stable. When I move just a little closer I have no issues. Also, make sure you have the sensor bar location correct in the system settings, and that it has an unobstructed "view" of the Wiimote.
take the sensor bar off the little stand, I had this problem, there must be a slight vibration on my tv stand or something that it picks up, removed the stand and now its fine.

Thanks, i'll give it a try. Out of curiosity, do you have the bar above or below the TV? Does one or the other work better?
Out of curiosity, do you have the bar above or below the TV? Does one or the other work better?

It could just be my personal perception, but I put mine on top because it seemed to locate the cursor on the screen more accurately and picked up the Wiimote signal more consistently.
Above / below only matters in your room size and distance. For me I am only about 6 feet away from my large TV so ontop is out of the question, where as putting it below (ontop of center channel) its perfectly located for my set up.

Also make sure you have no light sources from the front or any that can reflect off of anything and add another dot for the wiimote to see. Open window lamps through pictures some candles even, things of that nature, depending on their intensity they will confuse the wiimote.
position of sensor bar will make a difference but so will the game... some games are just better designed... my sensor bar is on top of my tv (about 4.5 ft off the ground) and the sensitivity of the wiimote is great for most games
remember that if you put it below or above the tv you MUST CHANGE IT ON THE WII SETTINGS TO TELL THE CONSOLE THAT IT'S ABOVE OR BELOW. Make sure the sensor is actually sitting on top or below the tv. And yeah, it's not supposed to be super sensitive like you're saying.