Joining UD


Limp Gawd
Dec 21, 2004
Shark-MegaByte is onboard with [H] UD. I was doing UD a few years ago and founded's team, but retired when I didn't bother to reinstall the client after a few OS wipes.

Just the box in my sig for now. I might be able to borg a machine or two at work though.

According to ThrottleWatch, UD is mostly using one core, and the other has little to no load. I'm surprised they haven't got it set up better for multithreading yet since they should be able to get a big boost out of that.
Welcome aboard. :cool:

Neither folding or UD have a one client solution for multi core/cpu systems yet. You could have that second core running folding if you get tired of seeing it idle. ;)


UD doesn't seem too eager to upgrade the client, but there are workarounds, mostly involving hacks using fast user switching. Like Killer said, if you want to work both, you can always fold on the other one. :D

Welcome S-MB! Always good to see a new contributor, especially when they are a former contributor returning to the game.

I think you will find that being part of the DC effort for the [H] is a rewarding thing, in and of itself. Then there is all that philanthropic goodness connected to the research it accomplishes. One of those rare things in life with no down side! :cool:
