Just a Suggestion...


Limp Gawd
May 15, 2006
Has the possibility ever been considered (or rejected) about having some sort of points system for posting, and then when you accumulate a certain amount of points, you can buy access into the general discussion forums? I think this would increase activity and ad revenue if done correctly.
I think this would just encourage spamming.
^^ exactly.

I think if someone really wants to chit chat about things unrelated to [H] pay for it, i mean someone has to pay for the bandwidth somewhere.
I think $5 (or $15 depending on what you go for) is a rather small amount of money, and some people sure do make a big deal out of nothing.
There is a rating system built into the vBull software. We chose not to employ it for various reasons....misuse being the biggest factor. The reason GM is subscription is a spam filter, promoting posting to earn membership is kinda counter productive if you catch my drift. ;)