Just an Idea... (A/C on Air)


Limpness Supreme
Feb 8, 2005
Okay, I realize that a HS/F setup is only so efficient. But there's this place in town I can get a nice window-based air conditioner for $100. If I were to rip it apart, and increase the airflow through various methods, and then push the air across the HS/F... Would this be an efficient method of air-cooling? Would my temps drop?

Another question I had involved ripping apart a mini-fridge I aquired for free, and moving the freezer coils right in front of the intake fan for the CPU's HS/F. Problems?

I'm a college student, so "on the cheap" is really nessecary, but... Can you recommend another solution to me instead? Even if it's a 10C drop for $100, it might be worthwhile.
I wouldn't bother rigging something up like that.

Just put a 120mm fan blowing right onto the chipset/ram area of teh CPU
I say have an air conditioner with a duct TO your 120mm fan, that leads to the HSF.
a mini fridge could have percipitation problems.. generally air conditioners don't.. just get a window ac.. and duct it into your case.. and it will keep everything a lot cooler...

there is a computer ac you can buy for $100.. it goes in a 5 1/4 bay.. but it is small, not that powrefull, and not on the cheap
in my experience, the thing gives out more heat than it does cool. good thing the exhaust is outside :D
Skin said:
in my experience, the thing gives out more heat than it does cool. good thing the exhaust is outside :D

That's right, moving heat without adding energy would be breaking the laws of thermodynamics :p

These are both pretty ghetto methods... worth a shot, but I don't think I'd want to have it be a permanent cooling solution. How about having a window AC unit installed in your window (otherwise the PC heata and then some stays in your room) and running a duct/hose to your computer?
zer0signal667 said:
That's right, moving heat without adding energy would be breaking the laws of thermodynamics :p

These are both pretty ghetto methods... worth a shot, but I don't think I'd want to have it be a permanent cooling solution. How about having a window AC unit installed in your window (otherwise the PC heata and then some stays in your room) and running a duct/hose to your computer?

thats what i did. like 7 feet of washer/dryer hose.
Yep, has been done before A/C window unit + duct to HS/F. Works quite well I've read. I bet it's costly on the electricity side if you run it 24/7 though lol. "Quick Honey, I just bumped up my FSB turn on the A/C!!!" lol.
Megadeth_Guy01 said:
Yep, has been done before A/C window unit + duct to HS/F. Works quite well I've read. I bet it's costly on the electricity side if you run it 24/7 though lol. "Quick Honey, I just bumped up my FSB turn on the A/C!!!" lol.
I just leave my windows open for the last few weeks of spring.. :rolleyes:
I recently found the glory of taking my Window AC unit and putting it by the side of my open computer for benchmarking. :D But having it sit there 24/7 would cramp the foot room and be a bit loud...