Just beat deus ex human anything out there like this now?.....


May 4, 2007
Just beat deus ex human revolution last night man it was good it was very good just like the deux ex 1 with the unreal engine back in the days.

So anything else out there like this to play now?
Ya the DLC is really worth it, if you didn't already do that. More of the same good stuff, but also has a proper boss fight, where stealth and non-lethal means are an option.
Cool I will check out dishonored. The missing link dlc yea I thought about it but I didn't take it seriously I thought it be just same ol same ole which is good but I thought it really wouldn't do anything to the story or whatever I thought it be just more enemies, different levels and that's it. I already uninstalled it though.
Have you tried Alpha Protocol? It was much better than I expected from the poor reviews and the gameplay is along the same lines.

It's interesting that someone mentioned Vampire: TMBL because they're very different types of games but I kept noticing a similar vibe to VTMBL when I was playing DE:HR.
I felt a serious connection to Deus Ex HR, really, I felt more immersed in that game than the original. It dealt with a serious issue (what is human?) and it did so in a wonderful environment that played out like a question, and the way you navigated and progressed was the answer.
I second this.

I have heard good things about Alpha Protocol but haven't played it myself.

I was way pumped about Alpha Protocol...then the reviews came out. Was very disheartened to hear about all the AI glitches and weapon imbalances.
I was way pumped about Alpha Protocol...then the reviews came out. Was very disheartened to hear about all the AI glitches and weapon imbalances.

A typical Obsidian game I guess. So much potential, beyond what Bioware could put together but is ruined by bugs, glitches and/or just rushing. See: KOTOR2 and Neverwinter Nights 2.
I felt a serious connection to Deus Ex HR, really, I felt more immersed in that game than the original. It dealt with a serious issue (what is human?) and it did so in a wonderful environment that played out like a question, and the way you navigated and progressed was the answer.

It's strange because I had the opposite reaction. I felt the first game was a lot stronger in story and immersion especially since it felt like you could explore places a bit more. DXHR feels more like a sneaking game like Metal Gear whereas DX felt a lot more traditional RPG-like.
A typical Obsidian game I guess. So much potential, beyond what Bioware could put together but is ruined by bugs, glitches and/or just rushing. See: KOTOR2 and Neverwinter Nights 2.

Have they address any of these major bugs since Alpha Protocol was released? I was interested in it when it came out, but like many others were completely turned off by the bugs.
Yea, Alpha Protocol is actually better than it is given credit for. The gameplay is a bit derpy, but the choices you get to make and paths you chose make it rather intersting.
Alpha Protocol is a great game and probably in terms of RPG one of the best RPG's in recent times.
I felt a serious connection to Deus Ex HR, really, I felt more immersed in that game than the original. It dealt with a serious issue (what is human?) and it did so in a wonderful environment that played out like a question, and the way you navigated and progressed was the answer.

I enjoyed that game's base gameplay, and I liked how the game allowed you to try and talk through a situation with some chance at diffusing it, or making the situation worse. It's a shame that not all bosses gave you opportunities like that. I'm waiting for the director's cut version before I play it again, so they can fix those problems.
I second this.

I have heard good things about Alpha Protocol but haven't played it myself.

I felt it was pretty crap. Good idea, poor implementation and implementation trumps ideas in games every time. I played it part way through and just couldn't keep dealing with all the crap and uninstalled it. It's a pity because with better implementation I think it would be a top game but as it is, it's very "meh". I would pass personally.
Loved Alpha Protocol myself. Only thing that gets really annoying is the AI, where if you load the game, sometimes the AI of enemies you've already faced before the last load, becomes braindead and just stand there.

To "fix" that, you either have to quit to main menu and load from there, or exit completely and then relaunch. I think Main Menu is sufficient but I forget.