Just bought final fantasy 11 for 360


Limp Gawd
Jul 7, 2003
So im bored and i bought final fantasy for my xbox 360

anyone else play this?
or is it just a waste of time
thought i would give it a shot for the first free month

if anyone else plays maybe we can meet up on live and give me some pointers

my live name is: slickgreen16

add me as a friend
sweet deal guys thx

o yah if you have any past or present experince with the game or pointers i would love to hear them thx
you dont have to learn to read or type Japanese... just be courteous to other players and you should be alright.. go read some website about the jobs and learn how to use them...


this website have alot of info what jobs suits you.. good luck to your adventure.. remember, this game isnt like WoW... like i said, be courteous and dont be an asshat and you should get along with other players and most likely to help you... :)
Like Betauser said, this game is more adult orientated since its a bit harder then most MMOs out there. So as long as you don't act like your 12, you should do fine.

But for a warning, the game is VERY group orientated. Barely any solo content in it.
I still play it a good amount; create a character on the Cerberus server if you need some help.
you dont have to learn to read or type Japanese... just be courteous to other players and you should be alright.. go read some website about the jobs and learn how to use them...


this website have alot of info what jobs suits you.. good luck to your adventure.. remember, this game isnt like WoW... like i said, be courteous and dont be an asshat and you should get along with other players and most likely to help you... :)

It's not a neccessity to learn Ninhongo (sp?) but it does help out when getting a raise (res, revive) from a high level JP WHM

Sumimasen, [I-9] de raise onegai dekimasenka
"Excuse me, may I get a raise at [I-9]?

Showing you took some effort to learn their language will usually in most circumstances will get you a raise.

Xrave, how is the economy on Cerberus? I might fire this up again
Played this game for like 3 years until I finally decided to take it slow. Very vey fun game. Make lots of friends cuz you'll need them. Hope you don't have any real life responsibilites like a full time job or girlfriend. If you do, better return the game. You won't be playing much of it.
Does anyone have xbox live or some ventrillo so we can communicate some help to me
that would be freakin awesome

my live name is: slickgreen16

add me as a friend or ill setup a vent server
Xrave, how is the economy on Cerberus? I might fire this up again[/COLOR] [/FONT][/COLOR]

It's fine for the most part. SE has been going after RMT hardcore lately which means there has been massive deflation...which for the most part is a good thing if you're starting up again. You can easily farm items for gil and the gil will actually be worth something.
They made gil almost worthless in the game now because everything is ex/rare. I have like 16million(from inflation days) gil and I can't buy anything worth using.
I <3 ffxi :D

i had like 76mil at my peak, but i have like 300k now, what server are you on?

i'm thinking of getting back into it... haven't played for months

ampidire of midgardsormr
75smn 70blm 40whm etc...
oh right, make sure to cancel when the free month is up, or they will charge you.. and you'll forget about it, and it'll rack up...

and you won't get that money back...

also, ffxi has a HUGE learning curve, it's not a beginner's MMO, it's much harder to get anywhere in the game than WoW etc..
Welcome to yesteryear, and learn some japanese and pretend to be japanese. Don't speak a word in english or you will be disbanded politely.

I tried to love FFXI but well... best of luck...
I played quite a lot of it and actually has a lot of fun. It is a huge time sink though and it's nearly impossible to complete anything solo.
All of this talk about FFXI made me log on last night and chat with some friends while seeking party. Then I somehow got myself into CoP 8-1, and it was a blast. I been stuck on CoP missions for like 2 years or so. The Rajas Ring is sooooo close.... hahaha. Good times. I'm on Ragnarok, same name.
They made gil almost worthless in the game now because everything is ex/rare. I have like 16million(from inflation days) gil and I can't buy anything worth using.

Gil isn't worthless now...now it's actually worth the most it's ever been. Back in late 2005 through 2006, gil was worthless. 30 mil for a SH, 25 mil for a haub, etc.

Do Salvage and get a body piece, they're about 10 mil.

Start upgrading a relic, they're about 100 mil.

Buy HQ dusk gear.

There're a lot of good items to spend gil on if you have it. I'm close to completing my relic scythe at the moment.
Gil is by far still worth something. The best items in the game are generally a combination of a ra/ex drop and an item you buy with gil to make you a ra/ex item.

VERY VERY group oriented. This is not WoW, don't expect to solo to 75 (the limit cap).

A few good sites for you


It's a great game and a lot of fun. It's just structured much diffrently than other MMOs because it is group oriented. Oh, since you'll level multiple job on the same character people will get to know your name, so if your an ass it will get around. ^^
Welcome to yesteryear, and learn some japanese and pretend to be japanese. Don't speak a word in english or you will be disbanded politely.

I tried to love FFXI but well... best of luck...

Iunno what server you were on, but Midgardsormr was nothing like that...

I have heard bad things like that from other servers though...
Welcome to yesteryear, and learn some japanese and pretend to be japanese. Don't speak a word in english or you will be disbanded politely.

I tried to love FFXI but well... best of luck...

I havn't experianced anything like this at all. Occasionally I will get a /tell from a JP (note JP is acceptabe, JAP offensive (I don't get it but whatever)), asking if I speek japaneese. I've never gotten kick out of a party for saying an english word... And unless you play at really odd times (midnight till 4am or so) you won't end up with that many JP parties.
lol, i cant imagine its still like that... when i started playing (at US release), there were only high level JPs cuz they had it for a year already, but that shouldn't be the case anymore... i quit about 2 years back =(

great game though... just takes time is all... and by that, i mean TONS of it
i played it on pc for two years when it first came out (back in 1999). i had a good time w/ it back then but WoW is much more fun(imo).

unless it has changed, get ready to spend hours looking for a group and then even more hours grinding for exp.
Sixthsense, you should fire up that character on Cerberus. You're missing out!

It was released on the PC in 2003.

unless you imported like my friend and i, then it was nov 7th 2002 :D

anyone else here on midgardsormr? i know all of somethingawful is.
I can't even remember what server I started on. Although, I was there for a good 3 years ? since NA release. I believe I quit since the relic drop ratio was so bad, and most of my guildies went their seperate ways with different games. If I find a disc packaged with the expansions. I will re-roll on your server. You know how it is once you cancel your PoL account. :eek:
I can't even remember what server I started on. Although, I was there for a good 3 years ? since NA release. I believe I quit since the relic drop ratio was so bad, and most of my guildies went their seperate ways with different games. If I find a disc packaged with the expansions. I will re-roll on your server. You know how it is once you cancel your PoL account. :eek:

Since you've been gone they've implemented server transfers ($25). You could reactivate your old account (yea even after 2 years) and then server shift it to Cerberus.
So what will they need from me information wise my POL ID? last 4 digits of my cc? That would be great if I could get my RDM and RNG back. I was 60 when I left, not too far from the current level cap :)
Did you delete the character, delete the content ID, just deactivate, etc?
Did you delete the character, delete the content ID, just deactivate, etc?

I just deactivated my POL account. I didn't delete any characters. I wonder if I can 2 box with my macbook and pc and power level to raiding status LOL
If all you did was deactivate (didn't delete the character or content ID), then you should be able to reinstall POL, just reactivate, and enter updated credit card info.

But since it's been so long in deactivation, the character might have been auto-deleted (try reactivating first). If so you need to call SE and provide them the credit card number at the time when the account was active, the name on the card, the address on the card, and some random info they'll ask you about the character.

Still can't have 2 characters logged in from the same account :(
Bummer, I'm assuming my equipment is most likely outdated. I had artifact at the time. Yeah, I'll try re-activating my POL account. Worse case scenario, I'll level up from 1-40 from scratch and hope for the best
Ignore all the idiots saying that you'll be ostracized if you don't learn Japanese. I did just fine using the auto-translator and being nice. Including being the only guy that spoke english in an otherwise all Japanese party... and getting invites when I was playing melee.

What I *have* noticed is that Japanese parties are much more willing to kick someone who's incompetent, has really really crappy gear, or is just generally being an ass. Basically if you play like you would in a WoW party, don't expect the Japanese players to put up with it :p

All that said... I loved the game. After I got tired of FFXI I tried WoW and some others... and found them to be horribly simplistic and no real challenge and quit playing pretty soon.

Enjoy... it's quite the game :)
Sixthsense, you should hurry up and get back in by the 28th. They're running a lotto in the game that if you win you can get stuff such as 100 million gil, HQ king gear, etc.
and the 6th anniversary exp ring is available now too... and some friends of mine might re-roll with me, midgardsormr server if anyone is interested :D

i'm thinking of activating today or tomorrow, Ampidire in game.
all my shit is on Midgard! And our economy doesn't suck and we have good jp/en/eu relations. Deemed one of the least suck servers for newbies.
I really miss this game :( But I had to quit, I was pretty addicted. I gave away my account to a friend, and haven't looked back :p. When I left, Chains of Promathia had came out, and everyone was getting owned by that one HNM in Sea.

What'd that thing actually drop anyways?
i don't even have sea access -.- forget what mission i'm even on...

either way, probably not a good idea for me to spend 13$ a month right now as i have some umm unexpected expenses that need taking care of first... ugh...