Just Cause 2.Just blow everything up?


Aug 28, 2004
I picked up JC2 over the steam sale weeks back.
Ive noticed over the short period of time ive played it, you either blow everything up or you do the missions. Right now ive encountered more destroying all that moves then missions. Only about 5% in the game.

And i know you could possibly play through the game 3 times because of the the 3 factions. Or at least im under that impression.

Is there more to this game then just blowing it all up. with the sheer size of the gamezone. Destroying it all could take an awfully long time.
Well, there's also attaching civilians to cars as they drive by and watching them bounce helplessly down the road.
You can do missions for all the factions in the same playthrough. There are main story missions (7) and a whole bunch of faction missions but most of the fun in the game is exploring the island and doing crazy shit. It's a true sandbox... they've given you the tools, you have to make the fun for yourself.
Ok, like i said, im still quite in the begining so ive only encountered a small portion of the game.im gradually making my way through
I picked up JC2 over the steam sale weeks back.
Ive noticed over the short period of time ive played it, you either blow everything up or you do the missions. Right now ive encountered more destroying all that moves then missions. Only about 5% in the game.

And i know you could possibly play through the game 3 times because of the the 3 factions. Or at least im under that impression.

Is there more to this game then just blowing it all up. with the sheer size of the gamezone. Destroying it all could take an awfully long time.

You don't pick a faction at all. You just do stuff for all of them.

There's no reason to have to blow up the entire island. Blow stuff up to your heart's content and do missions whenever you feel like. The agency missions are the 'main plot'.
You don't pick a faction at all. You just do stuff for all of them.

There's no reason to have to blow up the entire island. Blow stuff up to your heart's content and do missions whenever you feel like. The agency missions are the 'main plot'.

ok cool, i was dreading having to play it 3 times through.
The game is a one-trick-pony, but some people find the trick to be pretty damn fun. It really depends on your gaming taste whether you'll get bored with it too quickly or not.
I like taking planes for joy rides.

While attaching stuff to the plane :D

The game focuses on mainly blowing things up and messing around with enemies then doing the missions. I highly suggest getting some fun mods once you complete all the missions.

For example, I found a couple mods to enable multiple graples and strong graple so it wont break, a rocket mod where it will pretty much annihilate a whole base with one shot, various customized vehicles, etc.
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You don't pick a faction at all. You just do stuff for all of them.

True, but at times the game makes you think you do and I didn't really understand that.


For instance, just before the final mission Sheldon tells you to pick a faction to run with and says something like "Choose wisely because when this thing's over they'll be with you to the end" or something to that effect. Yet after beating the final mission you have no apparent loyalty to the faction you chose...it kind of sounded like the game was at a pivotal point and you were going to make your alliance permanent but that's not what happened at all. Did I miss something here or was it just fluff to make the story sound better?

Intel_Hydralisk said:
There's no reason to have to blow up the entire island. Blow stuff up to your heart's content and do missions whenever you feel like. The agency missions are the 'main plot'.

Exactly. The faction stronghold "main" missions basically just exist in order to open up more faction missions. I liked the freedom of being able to complete missions at my leisure; if the story grips you, you can blow through the game or if you get tired of doing missions you can just explore, blow stuff up, upgrade your black market items, etc.

Rooble91 said:
I highly suggest getting some fun mods once you complete all the missions.

That was my plan as well. I bought the DLC items but didn't use any of them my first time through since they aren't a part of the original game and all come fully upgraded. I also didn't want to use any mods (they might have made the game more fun, but much easier as well). I can't wait to play with some mods and the DLC guns & vehicles now that I've finished the main story, but I'm going to keep them separate from my main save since I'd like to keep that one as a work-in-progress toward 100% completion. :cool:
you will be sadly disappointed with the DLC weapons and vehicles as you have to re-buy them each time to use them. The only way to get additional weapon ammo also is to.... re-buy the weapon.

no doubt the mods help with non-dlc, but this is not the way the black market works in other games (wolfenstein, saboteur, etc)
you will be sadly disappointed with the DLC weapons and vehicles as you have to re-buy them each time to use them. The only way to get additional weapon ammo also is to.... re-buy the weapon.

no doubt the mods help with non-dlc, but this is not the way the black market works in other games (wolfenstein, saboteur, etc)

Yup, I know. I actually complained about that in another thread as it's one of my gripes with the game...


Still, the weapons and vehicles should be a hoot. I just didn't want to use them the first time through...not because of lack of funds but because they weren't a part of the original game and I wanted to play it "vanilla."
The only DLC is purchased was the Monster Truck only because I only had a couple dollars left on my rebate card. I'll admit it fun to use but dropping 75k on a vehicle everytime is a little rediculous, at least it takes a good amount of hits before it explodes :p
Just Cause 2 is about blowing stuff up, but it's also a driving game.

If you find the right vehicle, then you can spend hours just driving the roads and the highways.

For me, a great way to relax is to spend a half an hour in Just Cause 2, riding a coastal highway on a motorbike while the sun is going down. The sight of the ocean and the mountains in the distance is soothing on the eyes.

I gave up my driver's license five years ago after being involved in a very bad car crash, but I used to like driving a lot, so these days I turn to the computer for my driving. I think it's one of the reasons I liked GTA 4 so much when it first came out. It's also the reason I'm looking forward to Test Drive Unlimited 2. That will be a day one for me.
I'm going to have to DL this damn game finally ... sounds like of cool if only for the "running around and looking at stuff" factor.. or in this case, blowing stuff up. :eek:
Just Cause 2 is about blowing stuff up, but it's also a driving game.

If you find the right vehicle, then you can spend hours just driving the roads and the highways.

For me, a great way to relax is to spend a half an hour in Just Cause 2, riding a coastal highway on a motorbike while the sun is going down. The sight of the ocean and the mountains in the distance is soothing on the eyes.

I gave up my driver's license five years ago after being involved in a very bad car crash, but I used to like driving a lot, so these days I turn to the computer for my driving. I think it's one of the reasons I liked GTA 4 so much when it first came out. It's also the reason I'm looking forward to Test Drive Unlimited 2. That will be a day one for me.

It's a pretty cool game world, I'll give it that. I wanted to see how long it would take to parachute down from as high as you could go, so I hopped in a Pell Silverbolt and flew straight up until the plane stalled out and I pulled my chute(the plane proceeded to drop straight down while pointing straight up and spiraling, was very cool). I did this on one end of the map and set my destination at the other end, it was almost 30km. It took almost 40 minutes to drift down, slowly passing over the forests, highways, and at one point the giant mountain range in the middle of the map. I did other stuff while this was happening of course, but it was pretty cool to look over and see the progress I had made. Definitely the biggest game I've played, and it's quite gorgeous; I'd love to play a game like Risen on a map that looks this good and is this big.
I'd love to play a game like Risen on a map that looks this good and is this big.


This is a hell of a concept you just suggested that got my wheels turning. Give me the best of Just Cause 2's elements cominbed with Risen's best elements, call it an action RPG or whatever you want, and watch how fast my wallet flips out.

Just Cause 3 right there developers! ;)
This game is also a 3D vision ready game. When played in 3D with all visuals cranked up, this simply is an otherworldly experience. Just take a ride over the beautiful Cuda waters and watch the sun going down and the hours fly away. I didn't get so much fun and visual satisfaction from another game in the last 2 years.
So at any point in the game you can just drop everything and go around exploring for fun instead? I'm up to the part after where you have to rescue the guy from the Casino overpass and the driving scene where he drops you off and you have to select a new location to go to on the map.
Im 10 hours in and only at 8%, ive come to the conclusion that taking a helicopter to each spot on the map just to get it found. So i can go back and extract to each spot instead of driving or flying to them on my own
for those of you who got this game through the Nvidia video card deal via free DL, how did you get the code for it? was it emailed to you? because I bought two cards that I though came with the voucher or whatever it is, but I can't find any code anywhere... I bought them on 6/30.. so I am thinking I might have missed the deal by 1 day.. did it start on 7/1?
So at any point in the game you can just drop everything and go around exploring for fun instead? I'm up to the part after where you have to rescue the guy from the Casino overpass and the driving scene where he drops you off and you have to select a new location to go to on the map.

You can do what you want, when you want, just about any way you want. :)
nah i found like 70 locations, and didnt get shot at once. Too bad the helicopters are too slow.. But there the best for moving in and out without crashing into trees

I found a business jet and used that to explore - much faster than a helicopter, and handles better than those passenger jets at the airport.
I reached 40% tonight and it's starting to feel like grinding...almost. :)

The main thing driving me now is wanting to find more of the weapon parts so I can max out all of the weapons. I don't really care about the vehicles...maybe a few of them. I'm saving the military bases for last so I can just get a combat helicopter and go around knocking out the SAM sites and fuel tanks. I have a feeling 60-70% will come pretty easily but past that, I don't know...100% will surely take a lot of time and effort.
I've been doing the opposite and doing all the military bases first. I only have a few left before Ive completed all of them and Im currently at 46% I believe. Ive recently started doing the faction items and man that is tedious work. I always seem to get myself sidetracked when going after them.

Lately, what is really starting to annoy me is the rag doll physics or whatever when you get blow onto a side of a mountain. Ive found myself just watching my guy roll down a side while I sit and watch, hopefully waiting to hit something to stop. That has to be the most annoying part about the game.
**posible spoiler**

I did notice the bottom right portion of the island is composed of mostly military spots
this game fucking rules... man... really having fun just playing in the sandbox. :) looks freaking amazing also...

any other surround players mess with the /fovfactor= setting.. ?? I played with it a little but didn't notice much..

yes on the heli being slow to explore.. but I like hijacking the military ones and using them to take out all the chaos spots.. I am just using the boat to explore for now but it's getting a little tedious.. even with that super nice water.. might look for that business jet.. :)
any other surround players mess with the /fovfactor= setting.. ?? I played with it a little but didn't notice much..

I gather from this thread that the only thing affected by /fovfactor is the hijack prompts.

There was a known bug where if you are using wide TH (48:10, 48:9), the hijack QTE prompts will be invisible; the fix was to set /fovfactor to 1.7. But the July 2010 bug patch may have fixed that issue; the patch notes includes "Fix to display quicktime prompts correctly when running in Eyefinity mode."
I have fov @ 1.2 and I still see the prompts fine. thanks though. I think the patch did fix whatever was happening because I have always been able to see them...

I blew up so much shit tonight.. I was amazed my rig handled all of it very well.. didn't get bogged down or anything.. at times all 3 screens were full of explosions... yeehaa!
It's a fun game.

I had my mind set on 75% completion and ended up bailing out at 54% with like 35hours in lol.
im at like 18% now with about 18 hours in. started doing the race and main missions now, before i was just base destroying
I only at 10%... I spend too much time exploring and trying all the different vehicles.. taking the boat up to full speed and launching it off a hill near the water.. then hitting the parachute just before I crash..
So, when I buy a NON DLC weapon / vehicle, its a one time purchase? I can request delivery in the future and its free? Its just the DLC items you have to re-buy every time?
everything costs money all the time. the exceptions are if you upgrade weapons and later loot them from dead enemies they still have your upgrades. so obviously you don't need black market for that. I would rather they gave much less money and used that money to permanently unlock things - like it happens in most other black markets, ie: saboteur, wolfenstein, etc, even RF:guerrilla. add to that a couple of black market locations in each territory and split the items from the helicopter transport. that was how it should have worked.
I only at 10%... I spend too much time exploring and trying all the different vehicles.. taking the boat up to full speed and launching it off a hill near the water.. then hitting the parachute just before I crash..

I discovered yesterday if you take a boat at full speed and run it into the side of another you will get shot down into the water and then ascend back up. Once you break the surface you will get shot into the air. Hard for me to explain, but its awesome.