Just Cause and Just Cause 2 both 75% off on Steam 2/15 Only

I still love JC2.. grabbing a jet and flying around like a crazy person making myself dizzy with the 3 screen gaming goodness. or taking a speed boat up the narrows and launching it off the beach. or finding a good car jump and seeing how far I can launch a bus. :p
is the original Just Cause worth a run through for $3.50? I absolutely love JC2, but haven't heard very many good things about the first game.
I got JC2 in the holiday sales, but anyone who doesn't yet have it has no reason not to. Probably the most fun sandbox game i've ever played.
Basically if you enjoy a lot of Grand Theft Auto "mess around and dowhateverthefuck you want to" moments, this is the game for you.
i got jc2 a bit ago for $10 i think. picked up the first one since its so cheap.
Just curious what are some of your favorite games? I was having a tough time getting into JC2 and I thought it was just me.

The problem is there are other/better games to play. It was awesome for the first 30 minutes then the amazing magic grappling device from the future buzz wore off.
its just fun blowing things up, jumping(using the hook) to anywhere quickly...

couldn't stand to play the entire thing though... just downloaded a full savegame and had fun
besides the irritating helicopters its a really fun game with tons of gameplay. to do everything could easily take around 100 hours.
Sweet Deal, I've been looking to get JC2 for the sandbox fun.


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I've been trying to sell my extra copy for awhile so you obviously haven't been looking very hard.
Just cause I said looking doesn't mean I've been actively searching.. It was just on my mind..

Basically if you enjoy a lot of Grand Theft Auto "mess around and dowhateverthefuck you want to" moments, this is the game for you.

I bought this game today because of this statement. I'm glad I did. Plenty of video game stress relief. Nothing like wandering the roads looking for trouble!
there are plenty of mods too. tbh after 30 hours I got burned out on dealing with the choppers and used a god mode mod.
I bought this game today because of this statement. I'm glad I did. Plenty of video game stress relief. Nothing like wandering the roads looking for trouble!

I always describe it as if GTA and Far Cry had a love child.. it would be JC2!
Rico gets extreme survivability, but once there's heat, every enemy AI instantly knows where he is, even without a line of sight. It's minor, but they could have added some confusion rather than the simple swarming on him.
Played a little bit of it last night. Spider man style grappling hook action is really funny! Graphics are pretty sweet, I just wish I could change camera pov to directly behind and not off to the right shoulder.. Damn console ports :p