Just Cause Demo Released for PC + Xbox.

the gamer

Mar 14, 2005
Going to download shortly.

The official demo for Just Cause has been released on the Xbox Live Marketplace. The Marketplace has had a lot of activity in the last few days, with Texas Hold 'Em released two days ago and a new Test Drive Unlimited demo becoming available yesterday. Now Eidos is keeping our Xbox 360s powered on with the new Just Cause demo, which weighs in at a decent 632Mb.

In the game you have to take out a quartet of corrupt army generals, and then transport a vehicle to a location. The actual island you play on isn't in the final game, which means that the island has been created just for the demo, which seems a little bizarre.

A PC demo is also available and can be downloaded here. Just Cause will be available next month in PAL territories, and will be released on Xbox, Xbox 360, PlayStation 2 and PC.

Taken from, Palgn

Alternative link for Aussies Just Cause Demo Ausgamers Alternative Link

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0TaSKmQED8 (Note: Game is not that dast, Fraps error.

Screen Shots,

Thanks. I already have the first Test Drive demo, and i'm curious what another has to offer.
No probs, get to play in 5mins :D, only taken 1 hr on new connection speed, but I just cant wait to get ADSL2+ soon in my area.
hell yes, its like GTA and Farcry in one, alot of explosion, gun fights, large scale island (note that this level in the demo is completely different to the retail game island), you can jump out of your car and land on the hood and then jump high into the sky and use the paracute, graphics are good also.

just too bad the video I am uploading is wierd, but its just may be my pc, wont know until someone watched it and tells me.

also the game is kind of hard.
It is also on Fileplanet, I'm downloading it now. I've been anticipating this game quite a bit since I read about it. Hopefully it won't suck.
Played the PC demo yesterday, terrible game (imo). Controls are horrible, graphics are dated compared to today's standards, and the AI could use work.Others agree in the thread about this in the PC section. But if you like it, then that's good. :)
dj_2004 said:
Played the PC demo yesterday, terrible game (imo). Controls are horrible, graphics are dated compared to today's standards, and the AI could use work.Others agree in the thread about this in the PC section. But if you like it, then that's good. :)

Its still like 10x better than the BF2142 beta.

My reply in the topic:
"In short:
This game isn't very good.
It's not the worst, but it's far from the best.
Good visuals, pretty bad controls, shitty missions = not a very good time.

Save your time (download), money (if you're going to buy it for some reason), and... whatever, and just pass on Just Cause."
I agree with Justin. Just Cause gets boring quick. Once you do everything once its no longer fun. Also for displaying the Havoc name it sure does lack in the physics department.
I think this demo SUCKED. Just poorly done IMO. I won't spend my time playing it.
J-Mag said:
Nice frame rate :rolleyes:
I was getting 30fps, I pressed the benchmark button which was also for the screenshot button.

IMO alright game, sure not the greatest ever but hey its better then HardTruck which is boring!.
The18thLetter said:

My reply in the topic:
"In short:
This game isn't very good.
It's not the worst, but it's far from the best.
Good visuals, pretty bad controls, shitty missions = not a very good time.

Save your time (download), money (if you're going to buy it for some reason), and... whatever, and just pass on Just Cause."


While the game looks nice, it has some serious issues that need to be worked out. Granted it is a demo, but to release a demo that is so clearly unrefined is just irresponsible.

The AI is terrible. You have that GTA sense of freedom and havok while playing. Besides that, the game is lackluster. My hope is that the release will improve on the demo, in every way.

It does have potential though.

I watched my friends play it on Xbox 360 yesterday, we were cracking up at how horrible it is.

First of all, the main character simply runs like he's gay. The story/mission objectives and the way they are written are HORRIBLE! You have to eliminate Esteban. ESTEBAN!!!

Second of all, your character is apparently invincible, because you can free fall from 300 foot towers and land with barely any health loss, and you can take a ridiculous amount of bullets before even losing half of your health.

You can magically highjack hovering helicopters (the pilot will just jump out with no arguments), and when doing the free fall in the beginning you don't even need to use the parachute as long as you land on a car (which the game does automatically for you as long as you are within a 20 foot radius around the car - AKA no skill required)... So pretty much you fall thousands upon thousands of feet and land on the roof of a car as if you fell only 1 foot and lose NO health. It's so stupid you can't help but crack up.

Once you get away from the main road area you find that the game world is 90% empty with nothing to do.

My friends played it for a while just to laugh at how stupid the game was. It's a good game to make fun of with a bunch of buddies. :p

Just Cause this wardrobe looks funky. Am I a goth cowboy?