Just Finished Assassin's Creed II **SPOILERS **


Sep 9, 2004

Wow. Talk about a twist.

So people come from aliens? But how are we going to stop the new sun flare in 2012? All the apples together put in some alien machine?

Looks like AC3 will be modern day. I hope they tweak it so you can hide in shadows like the Thief series. Desmond, his hidden blade, and shadows... oh yeah. Thief IV?
It won't be modern day, that is for sure. Here is official statement

Assassin’s Creed producer Sébastien Puel"
“We’ve had discussions on that very topic. It could be really interesting but we’d need to find the right time period and place for that. Where would that make sense? We don’t want to just decide we want to change and have a female hero as the first inspiration is always the time period, but if you’re talking about, say, World War II the economies in England and France were run by women because the men were off fighting. So maybe in this context you were a woman in England during WWII. Why not? Nothing prevents us from doing it. I’m often asked if we’re doing a third game after ACII… I mean, we could do 35 of these.”

Actually that approach to WW2 times would be great. A story based on Ken Follet's "Needle"... yummy.
I just finished this on Sunday and was happy with it. I like the idea that they're giving Desmond all these abilities and turning him into some super assassin, I just wish they'd use it more. But thats probably for the finale!
Ken Follet's "Needle"

One of my favorite authors. You get a cookie for mentioning him. also, I agree...some sort of WW// espionage setting might be cool... although, my vote still goes to Feudal Japan!
Well how they are not setting it up for modern day is beyond me then. Why else would Desmond learn (bleed) all the skills into his actual self? At the end during the credits he uses them... so.... me thinks ya'll are crazy.
Wandering around a space station doing the same tasks over and over and over and over again in between climbing buildings, stabbing people and watching intolerable and unskippable cutscenes...yeah that would be a great AC3.
I didn't find it to be much of a twist. People coming from aliens isn't really a new idea, and those cutscenes with Adam and Eve made it pretty obvious (even only have seen snippets of them) that that was where the story was heading. I really enjoyed the game, and I loved the last level where you had to infiltrate St. Peter's, but the overarching story was a little corny IMO. Ezio's story on the other hand was great.

Oh, and btw, I know Ubi will never read this comment, but saying "fuck" and "shit" the way they did didn't make the game feel more mature. Am I alone in thinking that?
No, you're not. It felt like they were trying to make a renaissance-era Grand Theft Auto.
i just finished AC2 last night (PS3) and i have to say after not playing the first one, i really enjoyed this game. There were some frustrating game mechanics that i could have done with out, and some of the pin wheel picture puzzle solving was a little tedious and repetitive, but story and game play, with solid pacing made it a great game for me.

As far as the ending is concerned when you first fight the pope i was feeling a little let down with the final kill and battle, but when you enter the vault and everything unfolds i was really impressed with the way they took the story, i think what help really make the ending so good for me was i didn't watch the truth video until i finished the game and that really brought everything together.

I am not sure if i want a modern version or a more historic AC3 setting but if they keep up what AC2 has started i can't wait for the next game.
I think revolutionary Paris would be a cool setting but maybe too close to Italy. What about a Gangs of New York style NYC?
My guess is that they're probably going to have a historic setting (a la Napoleonic France?) mixed with a modern setting for Desmond. There's no reason to have Desmond pick up the abilities if they're not going to have him use them, but the team does seem set on having the game at least mostly in a past setting.

Personally I hope they tweak the controls for the game a bit. Why are we forced to hold R2 for 95% of the game? Why not make that button to go slow instead of fast? Also, why in the world is the "gentle push" even in the game at all? Let's put that B button to better use with another type of maneuver.

Also - they really do need to re-think the fighting system a bit. Why give us a selection of like 15 different weapons when the hidden blade counter is significantly better than all of the others? I'd like to see them nerf the counter a bit and bring back the "just frame" insta-kill from the first game. Give players a reason to actually instigate an attack instead of just waiting around for a counter and never getting hit.
I don't think it'd be WW2, could be Napoleon-era. Honestly I hope they go back in time a bit, why not like 25 AD Rome or something like that?
Wandering around a space station doing the same tasks over and over and over and over again in between climbing buildings, stabbing people and watching intolerable and unskippable cutscenes...yeah that would be a great AC3.

Why not? Nothing prevents us from doing it. I’m often asked if we’re doing a third game after ACII… I mean, we could do 35 of these.”

Space Station will be in AC30, Mars in AC31, Pluto in AC32, FTL Space Ship in AC33, Alpha Centauri in AC34, and so on.

As long as the customer pays all they need to do is reskin the environment and they are in the money. Wheeee.......
OP here,
So long as they keep getting better (aka 2 was better than 1) this customer doesn't mind paying. Who cares if devs milk a series if the games are kickass?
My only issue with the ending is that, well, it's the fucking future. Who the fuck fights with swords and batons in the future? It made no logical sense to have an Abstergo team show up with the intent of beating you all to death with telecoping batons, just like running around with a hidden blade doesn't make a whole lot of sense.