Just Finished Half Life 1, yes the first one


Apr 28, 2007
Ok so some while ago, I beat Half Life 2. I was like wtf good game and went on. Just recently I found that I had HL1 on my Steam accound so I decided to play that. Fun game, but I felt myself saying to myself "Am I almost done with this game?" ( it got pretty repetative ). So anyhoo..... I need some help with the story.

OK so you are Gordan Freeman (so innovative :D ) and you work at the Black Mesa Research Facility. An expirement on ____________ goes wrong and some fucked up aliens come out of _________________. Now when you escape from the aliens the gov. wants your head because _____________________. You need to stop those god damn critters. But wait there are vortigaunts that are ____________ and hate you because_______________ and are here because ____________. So to stop the zombie and vortigaunts you must travel to the border world which is _____________________. There you fight a whole bunch of shit and they got into our world by the expirement??? because_________. Ok so I pooned HL1. Now onto HL2. Now you are in a completely different world, with no zombies etc. Its a corrupt(ish) gov with the civs under controll by the combine who are __________ got here _____________ and do _____________. and the whole points of HL2 is to stop the combine from what?_____________. Ok so I think its a different world but you got the Doc, Alex, and Barney that say otherwise. So how the fuck did aliens turn into the motherfucking combine. Shit after finishing Episode 1 I don't know how the fuck these two games are remotley related. If anyone could fill me in that be awsome. And don't tell me to read the HL2 story explained stuff, because that shit is just filled with theories etc. thanks!
Lol, what the hell? Mods probably wouldn't appreciate the language like that here. :confused:

EDIT: Well, you're probably right. Some people agree that some things in HL1 and HL2 don't really relate or make sense at all.
Some of the things on that site arnt entirely accurate so take them with a grain of salt.
Really ? VALVE themselves said that they were so extremely impressed with how accurate that Chan's Half-Life Saga Story Guide was to their internal development and story line documents.
This was a while back so I don't have the interview link, but that site is as close as you are going to get to the "big picture" of the Half Life Universe storyline.
Really ? VALVE themselves said that they were so extremely impressed with how accurate that Chan's Half-Life Saga Story Guide was to their internal development and story line documents.
This was a while back so I don't have the interview link, but that site is as close as you are going to get to the "big picture" of the Half Life Universe storyline.

Thats why i said SOME things and why the grain of salt was needed.
wow you finally beat HL1, Ive yet to beat it, ive started it atleast a dozen times, but its the scariest game of all time (IMO), that and I get stuck 3 levels before the end, ive beaten HL2 and HL2 ep1 3 and 2 times respectively on the hardest modes.
Whenever I think of Half-Life I think of the sound the game made when you died. Beep Beep, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Ah memories!
Took me to beating HL2 before I beat HL1.
I hated those damn chopper planes in HL2, yaaaaaaaaar the little ones that run into you with spinning blades of DOOM!
i love fighting the manhacks. thanks for the documentation i have been reading and its making a lot of sense.
Still, why does the military/gov want to stop Gordon? If the GMAN works for the gov. why does he like Freeman? In HL2 what was the reactor you destroyed for? Thanks for the line, I wish there was a repping system here.
The gov't is trying to contain the outbreak and destroy all evidence that it occurred. While we're not sure who the Gman is, what his motives are, or who he works for, it's pretty safe to say that he doesn't work for the US gov't. He was impressed by Gordon's efforts to survive during the first game, and therefore decided to hire him on as a "contractor" of sorts. The reactor in the Citadel was the main power source for the Citadel.
and the guide said that the reason Gman wanted it to blow up as soon as possible is so that the combine would send out the transmission as soon as possible. That way what ever group that Gman works for can go to the combines home planet and fight whats left of them there. but still thats open to argument but its a good explanation.
wow you finally beat HL1, Ive yet to beat it, ive started it atleast a dozen times, but its the scariest game of all time (IMO), that and I get stuck 3 levels before the end, ive beaten HL2 and HL2 ep1 3 and 2 times respectively on the hardest modes.

Don't try System Shock 2 then, you will have a seizure induced by the level of scary parts in that game.
Or you'd look at pixeally graphics and laugh.

Try a REAL scare. Aliens Vs. Predator 2. You'll wet your pants. But you must play as the marine obviously ;)

OK so you are Gordan Freeman (so innovative ) and you work at the Black Mesa Research Facility. An expirement on your penis goes wrong and some fucked up aliens come out of your penis. Now when you escape from the aliens the gov. wants your head because your penis. You need to stop those god damn critters. But wait there are vortigaunts that are your penis and hate you because your penis and are here because your penis. So to stop the zombie and vortigaunts you must travel to the border world which is your penis. There you fight a whole bunch of shit and they got into our world by the expirement??? because your penis. Ok so I pooned HL1. Now onto HL2. Now you are in a completely different world, with no zombies etc. Its a corrupt(ish) gov with the civs under controll by the combine who are your penis got here your penis and do your penis. and the whole points of HL2 is to stop the combine from what? your penis. Ok so I think its a different world but you got the Doc, Alex, and Barney that say otherwise. So how the fuck did aliens turn into the motherfucking combine. Shit after finishing Episode 1 I don't know how the fuck these two games are remotley related. If anyone could fill me in that be awsome. And don't tell me to read the HL2 story explained stuff, because that shit is just filled with theories etc. thanks!
