Just finished Resident Evil 4, WOW


Aug 9, 2004
I just got done beating Resident Evil 4 and I have to say it is one of the best games I have ever played. The controls were great, I love the weapon/upgrade system, The cut scenes are rendered in real time and still look fantastic, Boss fights rival those of Metroid Prime and it had a great overall story and gameplay which I didn't find to be linear at all. If you have a GC or a PS2(won't look as good but I'm sure doesn't take away from the expierence to much) get this game you won't regret it.
Beat that game a while ago. Great game. Haven't played the ps2 version so I can't comment on it. I was impressed with the game though. Really want them to do something off the RE1/2 with a setup like it(hope RE5 kicks ass). I prefered the story line for them more but this one was pretty good.
I'm still waiting for the PC version.
It was supposed to be released around now, but got delayed indefinitely over the summer. :rolleyes:
rcf1987 said:
I just got done beating Resident Evil 4 and I have to say it is one of the best games I have ever played. The controls were great, I love the weapon/upgrade system, The cut scenes are rendered in real time and still look fantastic, Boss fights rival those of Metroid Prime and it had a great overall story and gameplay which I didn't find to be linear at all. If you have a GC or a PS2(won't look as good but I'm sure doesn't take away from the expierence to much) get this game you won't regret it.

Time for you to do a run on Professional :)
Stereophile said:
I'm still waiting for the PC version.
It was supposed to be released around now, but got delayed indefinitely over the summer. :rolleyes:

Heh you'd be surprised how quickly/easily you can pickup aiming with the analog stick. Then again, I am assuming you have either a GC or PS2 on hand...
I played it on the GC and PS2, most recently about 70% through on the PS2 but then I deleted my game saves, don't ask why I was trying to clean up some space so I figgured I'd delete them all execpt the last ones, that did not work very well.

The PS2 was very easy to pickup and play with and this is a game anyone and everyone should buy should they not have a GC or want to get it on the PS2.

IIRC the PS2 version did have some bonuses that the GC version did not
Im on chapter 4-3
You fight the 2 "muma kill" guys in the furnace room, and then you need to blow up a rock with the dynamite on the rail cart.

I thought about going on, but I want to sell a gun(sniper) to get another. I keep getting the feeling I'm going to need the gun(sniper) I sell soon.

I have tooo many games, I should of beat this long ago, I've had it since release. (finally got to the end of metroid prime 2 though...)
LeviathanZERO said:
Im on chapter 4-3

I thought about going on, but I want to sell a gun(sniper) to get another. I keep getting the feeling I'm going to need the gun(sniper) I sell soon.

I would highly suggest against selling the sniper rifle.
Keep the semi auto sniper for when you run into Iron Maidens and Regenerators you'll need it trust me
rcf1987 said:
Keep the semi auto sniper for when you run into Iron Maidens and Regenerators you'll need it trust me

Only until you unlock the handcannon :p
Screw the handcannon - chicago typewriter FTW. Also, I can't get 5-stars in all the missions with Leon to get my handcannon. :( But yeah, save the semi-automatic sniper unless you feel like crying later as regenerators kick your butt. :D

RE4 was a great game, I got it last March, played it a lot, and I even replayed it 5-6 times, which is rare for me these days to play a game that many times through. Now I just have to wait for the Wii so I can play the game in 480p.
RE4 i put on the same shelf as the Warriors.

Nuff said.
Both kick ass titles.

The underground thing with the stalking mutant while you had to wait for the elevator was INTENSE!!!! Fucking incredible title.!
RE4 i put on the same shelf as the Warriors.

Nuff said.
Both kick ass titles.

The underground thing with the stalking mutant while you had to wait for the elevator was INTENSE!!!! Fucking incredible title.!

One Rocket took care of him
RE4's one of my favorite games EVER...and I've been playing since the 2600 days.
It's one of the few games in recent memory that I keep going back to, even though I've won it 3-4 times.
With my savegame I've got now, I keep nothing but the Chicago Typwriter, Endless Rocketlauncher, and maxed out Auto-rifle. The rest is just 3-leaf potions.
In reality, once you get the typewriter, you can pretty much just annihilate anything with it, though. Short of the few instances where you need a precision single shot (like freeing Ashley), it'll waste anything.
I've never gotten the handcannon, though. Mercenaries is a fun distraction, but I don't particularly like it enough to get that gun.
rcf1987 said:
One Rocket took care of him

If you have one. My first time through the game where there were no special weapons and I didn't know what was coming, I really could not justify the inventory space and the cost for the rocket launcher. So after freezing and unloading on Verdugo all I could and then shooting him some more without being frozen... and he still kept coming... I ran the hell out of there as fast I could. That bastard can take a beating. Without freezing him, it takes disturbingly long to put him away even with nonstop fire from the typewriter.

RE4 is great though. The first playthrough took me over 20 hours and then I played a couple of < 5 hour runs with the infinite launcher and then with the typewriter. And then I played through to the end of the castle in one sitting a few days ago. The castle is easily my favorite section of the game... Salazar was a great villain.

My current savegame has these guns maxed out: Red9, Striker, Semi-Auto Rifle, Broken Butterfly, Chicago Typewriter, and Infinite Rocket Launcher. I'd like to try out the Handcannon, but Mercenaries is frustratingly difficult. Once I get a big TV, I'd like to do a proper playthrough on Professional.
The thing that killed me the most was the boulder. XD I can 5 star all the mercenaries and do all the other stuff, but that boulder always gets me.
lol...the fight with Krauser's what always kills me. I've NEVER made it through that sequence without getting killed at least 4-5 times.