Just got 2 of the Soyo 24" Refurbs from Mwave


Dec 13, 2004
And it looks like I've got 1 stuck pixel!
Eyefinity is definately in my future!
I know that these aren't the best panels in the world, but for $139.99, they are sure hard to beat.
Fortune favors the bold. :D

I need to find a way to get into some damn Eyefinity. Most of the games I play would look magnificent and get good use out of that feature.

Also, it figures I would buy a monitor with the biggest bezel in the history of monitors. :(
I wouldn't think the Soyo 24" lcd's are very good for eyefinity since the bezel is so damn thick. I was considering replacing mine with a new monitor because of the bezel but I haven't pulled the trigger on a new monitor just yet :p
I wouldn't think the Soyo 24" lcd's are very good for eyefinity since the bezel is so damn thick. I was considering replacing mine with a new monitor because of the bezel but I haven't pulled the trigger on a new monitor just yet :p

They do have a thick bezel. But for the price??? It's not that much thicker than the Dell 24" I have at work.

And, I haven't seen any cheap thin bezel monitors in the marketplace yet. Maybe, Samsung will get theirs out soon, but they are gonna cost.

And at this price, I don't mind the thought of modding them! :D
Pull the casing off. If it's like the DYLM24D6 I had, you can get a VESA mount and just screw it straight in to the back. Then boom, no bezel at all.

Plus, several Soyo models are known for overheating and popping capacitors. That'd help with cooling. Only issue I can think of would be if you have cats or small children that might stick their fingers where they don't belong and get shocked or break something.