Just got a 226BW... is there a better 22" LCD out there?


Feb 28, 2005
Hey guys, any input on this matter would be highly appreciated.

Bought a 22" Samsung 226BW yesterday at BestBuy. I highly doubt it's an "S" model, but then again it doesn't say which one it is. I'm not happy with it either way... The colors aren't the greatest. (I used a variety of color profiles, but still no eye candy.) I compare it with my old 15.4" Sony VAIO laptop, VGN-FS690. Can't find an LCD monitor that would even come close to its magnificence.

So I'm hearing 226CW is suppose to be better than 226BW, but should I risk it?
I'm not picky about the price and need top of the line LCD 22" monitor. I do lots of Photoshop, Gaming, DVD watching... Need genuine colors in it.

I heard Viewsonic, Acer, HP, and Dell are good. Still doing research online...

Thanks in advance!
Forget about ALL the 22" screens then. They're all TN panels and vastly inferior to any P-MVA or S-IPS panels.

Get your hands on a Acer AL2051W or Dell WFP2007 (both 20" models) or spend WAY more to get a bigger screen than 22" and make sure it's not TN. These are your options. Like it or not.

I owned the 22" 226BW "S" panel and just went back to a trusted Acer AL2051W for better picture quality and overall better screen.
Thanks for the info, ScYcS!

I see what you mean... I'm still going to try and see if I can find a 22" LCD that would come close to having good colors, if not, then I'll go by what you said and get a Dell.

For now, I'm mostly focusing on two models: Samsung 226CW and HP w2207.

I have a brand new parts arriving tomorrow and I'll start building, so it'd be good to have a monitor by then. :)
Thanks for the info, ScYcS!

I see what you mean... I'm still going to try and see if I can find a 22" LCD that would come close to having good colors

Good luck with that. I had the HP as well and it's worse than the 226BW imho. The CW is also not better than the BW as far as i could tell from my local store. Anyways, good luck and i hope you find the screen that "does it" for you.
I started out looking for a 22 inch screen, almost bought a Samsung. Then found out they all use TN technology. Gave up and bought a 24 inch Dell 2407wfp-hc. Lots more money but I am very happy. Bought it on line, Dell Direct, even though I "never" buy displays without seeing them first.

The price has come down since I bought mine.

If you are serious about color then stay far away from any of today's 22 inch LCD's.

Worse? Hmm...

I'm gonna go to a store today and play around with that model, see what the hype is all about.

Thanks again! :)
So, Dell 2407wfp-hc uses superior technology as I understand it. Any more input regarding it? I might just go with that then...

By the way, is there a place where I can play with a Dell LCD? I don't think any retailers sell it.

(sorry for double post)
Go look at the HP W2207 at BB or CC with your own eyes and see. Different people have different opinions, and some are slagging TN screens off ufairly by not looking at price and performance in relative terms. I have a top PVA screen myself and I do know its of better quality, but TNs have come a long way and by no means easily written off as crap.

Personally I find that the colours of the W2207 can be very good and vibrant if you know how to adjust it. Main thing is to lower the gamma to 0.85 or so as by default colours can be a little washed out. Lower the brightness and contrast to 50 and adjust form there. You can do that wilh a display set. Its is a glossy screen for a reason and brings out really rich colours if you can live if possible reflections from bright lights behind your screen.
Thanks, for your input guys! I'll keep pondering this.

Meanwhile, I'm gonna go return my 226BW and see if I can play around with HP w2007 over at BestBuy.
It's nonsense to say that 22" monitors are "vastly inferior". The technology has come very far and if you are looking for price/performance there is hardly a better buy.
Thanks, for your input guys! I'll keep pondering this.

Meanwhile, I'm gonna go return my 226BW and see if I can play around with HP w2007 over at BestBuy.

Wouldn't it have made a lot more sense to play around with them both BEFORE buying it?
It's nonsense to say that 22" monitors are "vastly inferior". The technology has come very far and if you are looking for price/performance there is hardly a better buy.

22" TN panels are vastly inferior to P-MVA or S-IPS panels. I say it again.
You mean the W2207?

Yeah, sorry. Confused it with the Dell one.

najames, I did, but the panel they had on display was "S". I got a "C" panel in the box when I bought it.

I got HP w2207 and so far I'm pretty happy with it. I'll get the parts tomorrow (hopefully Newegg will pull through) and once I set the new computer up, I'll start tweaking the monitor with the new card.

Once again, thanks for the help guys! :)
22" TN panels are vastly inferior to P-MVA or S-IPS panels. I say it again.

Only if you're picky about color accuracy and viewing angles.

If response time is king and you worry less about the others.. then no, they are not vastly inferior.

It's all about what you want.

I used a 22 incher for a long while and was perfectly happy with it short of wishing it were bigger, but again, my computer is almost purely for gaming and net browsing. I don't do any image editing, I don't work with anything where it really matters if the red I'm seeing is perfectly accurate.

If the OP doesn't do any of that either then I don't see what's wrong with a 22 inch monitor unless he doesn't like what he sees in a store. And besides.. if you buy locally you can always just return it if you get home and hate it.
22" TN panels are vastly inferior to P-MVA or S-IPS panels. I say it again.

I think your words have been noted, and the OP has decided to buy another TN panel and seem ott be happy with it after bringing it home.

TN panels are not inferior at all in the relative terms of price and screen estate. I am perfectly happy with TN panels as long as they are of substantial quality. I have a PVA panel for proper graphic work and a TN panel for DVD and games, and they both serve their functions well.
Only if you're picky about color accuracy and viewing angles.

If response time is king and you worry less about the others.. then no, they are not vastly inferior.

It's all about what you want.

I used a 22 incher for a long while and was perfectly happy with it short of wishing it were bigger, but again, my computer is almost purely for gaming and net browsing. I don't do any image editing, I don't work with anything where it really matters if the red I'm seeing is perfectly accurate.

If the OP doesn't do any of that either then I don't see what's wrong with a 22 inch monitor unless he doesn't like what he sees in a store. And besides.. if you buy locally you can always just return it if you get home and hate it.

100 percent accurate color reproduction doesn't bother me that much. And viewing angles wouldn't be as bothersome if manufacturers used a more representive system that clearly delineated real-world angles. Literally move just one inch and colors begin to change on ANY TN screen.

Otherwise, ScYcS statement about TN being vastly inferior to either P-MVA or S-IPS is partial rhetoric. It's true especially AS-IPS is vastly superior in almost every respect to a TN of any sort. But the average MVA and PVA aren't that much better than TN, and in a few respects are a step down. Let's face it, TN and MVA/PVA are similar in that they both are compromises, cheaper than their superior counterparts. MVA is actually the cheaper alternative to PVA.

I only would recommend both TN and MVA/PVA to anyone with a hands-on understandng of their real-world limitations.