just got HL2 and im miffed


Oct 16, 2004
ok heres the deal all my system specs are in my sig ive tried this oced and stock but there just one nagging ass problem....whenever im moving around in the game i get about 4 feet then bam i stick. its not a system hang because i can still look around but my forward movement is halted( i ahve to tap the w key to begin moving again), im getting a solid 85fps with vertical sync enabled so its not a framrate issue, im thinking its my keyboard i have a microsoft wireless desktop 1.1 that has worked great for every game i have except HL2. well this has really got me pissed because at this point the game is totally unplayable.
theres only one sound tab and i set it to no acceleration but it only made it worse
AHHH...im so friggin pissed i just spent $55 on a game that i cant even play
umm it did it with and without v-sync but that wasnt the problem...some how HL2 got on the block list for the sp2 firewall and since you have to be connected to steam for the game to run it was giving it hell...anyway i unblocked it and it works fine now i just got to the ravenholm level this game ROCKS
Wait til you get to use an oversized hard drive magnet :)

P.S. It's not actually a hard drive magnet, but it's just as fun :D
No no.

[minor spoiler]

You get to use one of those dumpster crane things with a magnet on the arm. Picks up the buggy, and can smash metal semi-truck containers into the combine on the ground :)
Also used for lowering the bridge(i held onto a container and just hit the thing down.)
I had the same problem previously with a cheap Micro Innovations Wireless keyboard. Definitely use wired keyboard, especially if, like you said, you only have it 4" from the receiver, then you're negating the use of a wireless keyboard anyway. :rolleyes:

Besides wireless and gaming don't mix.
wow you guys werent paying attention i already solved the problem...read the entire thread, by the way it wasnt the keyboard
see cell there was no reason to be whining like a 2 year old.. just took a bit of configuring.
see cell there was no reason to be whining like a 2 year old.. just took a bit of configuring.
all i said was that i was pissed...i did nothing to deserve that comment, its easy to say things like that on an online forum :rolleyes:
cell_491 said:
all i said was that i was pissed...i did nothing to deserve that comment, its easy to say things like that on an online forum :rolleyes:

I second this. If there is no reason to whine like a 2 year old, then certainly there is no reason to act like an asshat.
CGW reviewed a microsoft wireless keyboard that would do the exact same thing in games. I'll see if I can find the issue.

(I know, you solved it)
bonkrowave said:
I second this. If there is no reason to whine like a 2 year old, then certainly there is no reason to act like an asshat.
hehehe he said asshat hehe :p
I overclocked it worked well then it lagged to, im back at stock and my games run fine *windoers of ocing hinders performance*
Valve did warn people that, because of the physics engine, and lighting engine, HL2 would not take well to over clocking.
Stellar said:
Not really. :rolleyes:

If you play ET and would like to test me vs. your wireless setup come to www.eptexasgaming.com and look me up on the ET Pro server. ;)

I fail to see how ones experience in one game justifies a claim that wireless equipment is sub-par.
My bluetooth keyboard can easily match or pass any wired keyboard. And I can do it from my couch.
MeanieMan said:
I fail to see how ones experience in one game justifies a claim that wireless equipment is sub-par.
My bluetooth keyboard can easily match or pass any wired keyboard. And I can do it from my couch.

agreed, my MX700 has never affected my gameplay, even when i used to play CAL cs (not that i was any good haha) but it definately wasn't the least common denominator. why don't you practice what you preach and try out a wireless and see that its performance is just as good
MeanieMan said:
I fail to see how ones experience in one game justifies a claim that wireless equipment is sub-par.
My bluetooth keyboard can easily match or pass any wired keyboard. And I can do it from my couch.
I agree. I have the bluetooth diNovo and the mouse and keyboard work wonderfully for all my computing needs, including gaming. I don't see how a wireless keyboard can hinder ones' gaming performance, its not like there is lag or anything.
MeanieMan said:
I fail to see how ones experience in one game justifies a claim that wireless equipment is sub-par.
My bluetooth keyboard can easily match or pass any wired keyboard. And I can do it from my couch.

It just happens to be the one I play the most, and I excel at it. I play others but my practice is invested in ET and it's the reason I'm not using the wireless mouse that came with my M$ Wireless Optical Elite desktop set.

I never said wireless was "sub-par" per se, especially considering I use a wireless keyboard for gaming. :rolleyes: But I'm saying that wired has all the advtanges for gaming and that's why I stick with my wired MX510 for accuracy -

1. Lightweight
2. Less bulky
3. Higher Accuracy
4. No lag
5. No possibility of wireless interferance
6. No possibility of batteries running low or dieing
That's weird. When you described the problem (Being able to look around but not moving), it reminded me of CS with a connection problem. And you're saying it was fixed when you took it off the firewall? A networking problem on a standalone game? Are you sure you're not referring to CS:Source?
Stellar said:
It just happens to be the one I play the most, and I excel at it. I play others but my practice is invested in ET and it's the reason I'm not using the wireless mouse that came with my M$ Wireless Optical Elite desktop set.

I never said wireless was "sub-par" per se, especially considering I use a wireless keyboard for gaming. :rolleyes: But I'm saying that wired has all the advtanges for gaming and that's why I stick with my wired MX510 for accuracy -

1. Lightweight
2. Less bulky
3. Higher Accuracy
4. No lag
5. No possibility of wireless interferance
6. No possibility of batteries running low or dieing

If I'm not mistaken, this thread starter was referring to keyboards, as was I. As my previous posting has stated. I also use a mx510.
LOL i got moderated...again....notice the title change. Sorry i forgot "no cussing in the title". But could you guys change it to sumthing cooler like "I just got HL2 and im ticked"
cell_491 said:
LOL i got moderated...again....notice the title change. Sorry i forgot "no cussing in the title". But could you guys change it to sumthing cooler like "I just got HL2 and im ticked"
How about one of these wonderful adjectives:

peeved, perturbed, ripped, saddened, shaky, shook, shook up, shot down, spooked, strung out, tormented, troubled, distrait, distraught, unconsolable, unglued, uptight, wired, worried, and my personal favorite discombobulated.
MeanieMan said:
If I'm not mistaken, this thread starter was referring to keyboards, as was I. As my previous posting has stated. I also use a mx510.

Me too. Great Mouse.