Just got into Guild Wars, any tips/suggestions?

Sep 28, 2004
ive decided to play Guild Wars instead of WoW. im reading up as much as i can right now from gwoline.net and guildwarsguru.com. are there any other good sites? also, any tips for a noob?

ive decided i want to be a Elementalist. which element should i focus on? i heard fire does the most damage. i have no idea what my second profession should be. im not really into PvP, im more into PvE. I want to built a character that does well going solo, and not relying on other characters. what built do you guys suggest? also, what skill combo's?
Fire = best AoE spells
Earth = maybe best balanced offensive skill
Air and Water I get confused, I think Air is best vs. single enemy and Water is hexes (enemy debuffs/crowd control)
Earth and Fire end game gear goes for much more money than AIr and Water, due to those skills being the most popular.

If you want to get through to end game stuff asap, have your secondary be Monk and pump all your points into healing Advertise yourself as a healer lfg for missions, and you'll get invites left and right. Once you Ascend, you can either change your skill points to focus on your Elementalist stuff and still keep a bit in Monk, or change your monk profession altogether.

If you just want to learn a good complementary class, I'd pick Mesmer and Water Elementalist for the ultimate non-healing support class, or blood magic Necro and Fire or Earth Elementalist for best damage dealing. If you want to be somewhat self-sufficient, death magic necro, warrior, or monk would be fine secondary choices.

BTW, from early-midgame on, it's not really possible to completely solo. There are AI henchmen that you'll have to use if you want to complete quests but don't want to party up with other people. And the story-advancing missions, particularly west of Lion's Arch, get increasingly difficult even with a good group. I can't imagine trying to do, say, Elona with a group of henchmen, much less solo.
Be a mesmer secondary. I'm an elementalist/mesmer, and I'm completely self sustaining. My mesmer spells drain energy at the cost of a small amount of energy. My elementalist abilities heal me every time I use energy for double the amount I spent.
i personally like my e/w. (elementalist/warrior) run up, build up enough adrenaline to make 'em bleed, then use my immediate AOE fire spells (area immediately around me, that is) if i want ranged combat (useful sometimes) i can swap out one of the close in attacks for meteor shower. that + fire storm will take most stuff either out or pretty close if they'll hold still... that's what tanks are for :p
Im a Ranger/Elementist. Couldnt be happier. I got the ablity to shoot long ranges and train me a pet. Then I have the elemetist skills to attack at short ranges and some other good ablities elementists have. Also, I would take your time with the game. Dont try rush through it. Do the quests and not just missions. You will get more out of it.
Liquid_Cooled said:
ive decided to play Guild Wars instead of WoW. im reading up as much as i can right now from gwoline.net and guildwarsguru.com. are there any other good sites? also, any tips for a noob?

ive decided i want to be a Elementalist. which element should i focus on? i heard fire does the most damage. i have no idea what my second profession should be. im not really into PvP, im more into PvE. I want to built a character that does well going solo, and not relying on other characters. what built do you guys suggest? also, what skill combo's?

Ranger/elementalist myself. Had your same problem. Didn't know what I wanted to be secondary. You'll be happy once you finally commit :) No mater what, at some point you'll go "damn I wish I had monk/warrior/necro/ele/ranger skills" ;)

I wasn't a PvP person either, but it is fun too and you'll probably find yourself doing it a couple of times just for the heck of it.
Elementalist works well with Mesmer, Monk, and Necro, Warrior, and Ranger.

Seriously though, the game was designed so you could combine any two classes and not have a broken character when you got it leveled up.
hmmm, reading your guys' advice, i think im going to be a Fire Elementalist/ Healing monk. Fire so i deal good damage, and healing monk so i can substain myself and heal others. does this look like a good build?
You can create up to four characters, so you can play around with several combinations.

E/Mo should be fun to play around with.

I have a Warrior/Necromancer and a Ranger/Elementalist. I might create a Mesmer/Monk next.
Liquid_Cooled said:
how your Ranger/Elementalist working out for you? what skills do you use?

So far, So good. Only a level 9 compared to my level 20 warrior. So far I only use the firestorm elementalist spell (works great against a large group of attackers). I really like having a "pet" and I'm looking forward to higher level skills.
If you want to do max damage try being a E/N Fire/Death specialist. Combining Flare, Deathly Chill, and Putrid Explosion should get you some insane numbers when the situation is right, and even when it's not you'll have plenty of firepower.