Just got my Dell 2405


Limp Gawd
Mar 13, 2004
I first saw this monitor at a LAN I recently attended and when I saw it I knew I had to have one. The day after I put in the order. I got it lastnight after work. Hooked it up and I'm impressed. I'm using this to replace my 2 CTX 19" and with this you don't need 2 monitors. (but I still have a dual config just for the hell of it. Anyway, I noticed that even with 2 x 6800gt's I can't play BF2 @ 1600x1200, the frame rate goes to a crawl. But I believe I have a remidy for that. I have 2 7800GTX's on the way and I know those will handle it. I'm hoping anyway. Anyone here running anything similar to a screen like this and 2 7800GTX's in SLI? If so, I'd like to know what kind of performance you are getting in hi-res gaming. Not the best pics, but here's a few.


Potential dumb question, but does one *have* to play at 1600 resolution when dealing with this monitor?

I'm looking at getting one, and I play BF2 a LOT. I don't want it to slow to a crawl just to fill up the screen, but I also want a nice picture and make use of the huge display...
pistol222 said:
Potential dumb question, but does one *have* to play at 1600 resolution when dealing with this monitor?

I'm looking at getting one, and I play BF2 a LOT. I don't want it to slow to a crawl just to fill up the screen, but I also want a nice picture and make use of the huge display...

you dont HAVE to play at 1600x1200 just pick a 4:3 resolution and make sure that no option like "Stretch to fill" is checked and have "Keep Aspect Ration" on and you will get a 4:3 picture in the middle of the screen and have black bars on each side of it.
pistol222 said:
Potential dumb question, but does one *have* to play at 1600 resolution when dealing with this monitor?

I'm looking at getting one, and I play BF2 a LOT. I don't want it to slow to a crawl just to fill up the screen, but I also want a nice picture and make use of the huge display...
So far I've tried playing BF2 @ 1280x1024 and it runs pretty good, but the picture isn't as clean as it should be, due to the lower resolution. When I bump it up to 1600x1200 the grafix are amazing, but the framerate drops to a crawl and that's with 2 x 6800GT's in SLI mode. My answer to that is letting the 2 7800GTX's handle it. I've yet to try them out because I still need to order my mobo and 64X2 4800+. When that gets here I'm sure I'll be able to play anything at any res.
Forsakenzoul said:
you dont HAVE to play at 1600x1200 just pick a 4:3 resolution and make sure that no option like "Stretch to fill" is checked and have "Keep Aspect Ration" on and you will get a 4:3 picture in the middle of the screen and have black bars on each side of it.
How would I go about doing that?
[em]HEAT said:
So far I've tried playing BF2 @ 1280x1024 and it runs pretty good, but the picture isn't as clean as it should be, due to the lower resolution. When I bump it up to 1600x1200 the grafix are amazing, but the framerate drops to a crawl and that's with 2 x 6800GT's in SLI mode. My answer to that is letting the 2 7800GTX's handle it. I've yet to try them out because I still need to order my mobo and 64X2 4800+. When that gets here I'm sure I'll be able to play anything at any res.

a single 7800GTX will fix that. I play @ 16x12 (system in sig) and its smooth as butta!! Awesome addicting game!! :eek:
[em]HEAT said:
So far I've tried playing BF2 @ 1280x1024 and it runs pretty good, but the picture isn't as clean as it should be, due to the lower resolution. When I bump it up to 1600x1200 the grafix are amazing, but the framerate drops to a crawl and that's with 2 x 6800GT's in SLI mode. My answer to that is letting the 2 7800GTX's handle it. I've yet to try them out because I still need to order my mobo and 64X2 4800+. When that gets here I'm sure I'll be able to play anything at any res.

I understand that people can be picky about their picture though- I have a friend who plays at 1280 and he's satisfied. What about it are you not finding 'clean'...?
So niiice!!!

Makes me jealous... wait, I have one! LOL!! :D

Welcome to Team 2405! Feel free to put it in your sig so we can get our horde going. LOL..
[em]HEAT said:
How would I go about doing that?

right click on your desktop click Properties> Advanced> <Card name> in my case 6800GT and then "Digital Flat Panel Settings" then you have the options to do what you want. :)