Just got my M0 from newegg at 4 AM

I still cant figure why take the IHS off, i did it 7 months ago on a 2.8 chip, and it did nothing for my max OC, temps were 3 celsius lower.

And i have never seen any amazing xtra mhz with it off??

I got 3 MO's weeks ago, same numbers none did even close to each other, and one wouldnt go over 224fsb.

and none would do 300fsb
Still hard to believe people believe in the magic MO's. I've not seen as many magic OC's as i have older chips. And also. hard to believe these are all CPU's that Failed the Cache tests, And there are so many that fail, that that's all newegg has in stock is MO's along with a lot of other places.
Originally posted by Tedinde
Still hard to believe people believe in the magic MO's. I've not seen as many magic OC's as i have older chips. And also. hard to believe these are all CPU's that Failed the Cache tests, And there are so many that fail, that that's all newegg has in stock is MO's along with a lot of other places.

yeah, the L321's were magical, with these M0's only a handful can do what some of the older one's did. like my M0 chip takes 1.825v to get to 3.6ghz stable, don't really find that magical (not saying that 3.5ghz is a bad oc). 3.6ghz w/ a little or no vcore increase - that's magical
Ya, I picked up a retail 2.8C M0 yesterday(SL6Z5). Takes a ton of V's to get this guy up to speed. And in all fairness my D1 stepping 2.6 does almost as well but at much higher FSB. No M00 magic here either, just a decent OC at very high V's. So far the best stable speed is [email protected] (14x250) memory at 5:4, water cooled. Wow, been some time since I posted here... better edit my sig . As most here seem to have a fetish for screenshots...here ya go :)







i wanna get my 2.4 stable at 300 but i think it needs more vcore, i'm already at 45c idle at 1.6vcore, if i add anymore, i think itll be too hot, 50c idle is just wowza :(
Originally posted by Dillusion
i wanna get my 2.4 stable at 300 but i think it needs more vcore, i'm already at 45c idle at 1.6vcore, if i add anymore, i think itll be too hot, 50c idle is just wowza :(

Doesnt matter the temps to me as long as it's stable. Im not afraid of the 60's. My whole F@H farm in the basement, close to 200k personal points. Is in the 60's OC'd to death.

Your inching up there nice!! go to the beginning of this thread!!!

Congrats from me so far!!! Open a window and put your jacket on!!! Give it a shot. And see if spending $$ on better cooling will get you what you want.
As most here seem to have a fetish for screenshots...here ya go

Screenies!!!!! Hardware pRoNo!!!!!

Ok i checked my 2.4c that does 315fsb stable PureBooYah it's a L321 malay.

Still cant believe though.
I got my 2.4c stable at 305 long enough to do a sisoft. 300 was the highest I got it to go through a 3dmark 2001. I got my powercolor POS 9700nonpro to 19,200 3dmarks.

Yet the little people still say amd is king. (;aslkdjfasl;dkf, they drive me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Originally posted by Tedinde
Screenies!!!!! Hardware pRoNo!!!!!

Ok i checked my 2.4c that does 315fsb stable PureBooYah it's a L321 malay.

Still cant believe though.

i'm officially jealous :p :D

when i first ordered the 2.4c i have now i was hoping for a L321, but also kinda wanted the SL6Z3 because when i ordered it back in oct. it was a new topic and wanted to see what all the fuss was about. so ended up with the Z3 and it's a decent chip

Originally posted by freecableguy
the L310 is a magical batch too.... :cool:

and i forgot about that one, the first magical batch :cool: ....my first 2.4c was an L309 and it barely did 3.4ghz stable :(
I have a L311 and i can't seem to get past 3.2 ghz, i'm at 1.625 vcore, maybe ram?
More m0 praise here, just got mine today. 3.4ghz @ 1.52v with air cooling. So far I'm at 11 hours in 2x Prime95 :)
SL6WT 2.8C 30 cap
replacement i got from Intel :D
not sure why CPUZ shows voltage as 1.632 vcore i didn't change anything and USDM shows it as 1.488 vcore
running on stock Intel HSF
I have been saying this for a while why remove IHS and totally void your warranty. To me the 3c isnt worth the 200. price or what ever you paid for your processor I would rather have a chance than none at all. I am not that [H] I guess :rolleyes:
look at all my posts on the first page, an dlook at my sig now, amazing what happens in 3 months :rolleyes: